29: Grift?

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My mind felt clear again; clear to think and take in information.

At the moment my heart felt nothing but empty as I blocked everything from touching it, from warming it. Sure, it took me a bit... a sexual vocal fight with Cane, killing someone, then us fucking in the bathroom but now the barriers are back up with extra wires, thorns and traps to ensure nothing can get to me.

Yeah, I shouldn't be this calm after killing someone but Cane now knows how dark I am, which means he should run from me. Run and then I can focus on my job instead of his voice asking about honor.

Though in my defense the reason why I may be calm right, in a bliss, is because Cane fucked me against a wall like it was his last day on earth. Like shit, I will relive that fuck for the rest of my life because I know that it's the last time I ever do that with him.

It's not fair to him.

Plus, I need my barriers to stay up, stay focused.

I remember why I am here. Get info on Briac and plan the perfect way to kill him if I have to. No more thinking of him as a good person because of how he interacts with his club. I am here for Stephen that's it.

Cane is nothing to me anymore. He can't be anything because I won't meet anyone like him again.

I brought my fist up knocking on the door, my plan fully on track when Princess opened the door to her room.

"Hey, how you feeling?" She asked looking over my stiches, her hip leaning against the door frame.

"Eh isn't nothing I haven't had before. You free?" I asked.

Princesses nodded letting me into her room "Sure come on back while I run some things."

I followed her to a closet, the doors opening up to what should be a walk-in closet but revealed an entire room from wall to ceiling of computer monitors, hard drives and keyboards. She has one hell of a hacking lair.

"Fuck, now I get your reputation." I mutter as she sat down pointing to a chair I could sit in. My gut quickly kicking out the feeling that me talking to her for information is wrong and a betrayal to her.

This is about Stephen and I'm not a good person so what can I say?

"Eh." She said clicking some keys looking at different codes and video footage of someplace looking like a jail. Another screen with the face of the hitman showing how she is running his facial recognition. "People give me more credit then I need."

I scoffed at her, "Yeah I don't know about that, think you deserve whatever title you earn."

Princess hummed as she focused. "I do what I do, nothing to say about it. What can I do for you Rose? Need me to take someone down? Might take me a while, need to figure out who blew up the bike and the identity of the person you killed. Shit sorry, you okay?"

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