11: Climb

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Now there are two way to think about what I am about to do.

The first is that going on an extraction with the club is a perfect way to gain trust from the brothers and most importantly, Briac. I break into a safe, they get the family out and at the end we are buddies. We go to the bar for a few drinks, open conversation flows and at the end of the night I can get Briac to open up about the war. Showing myself as a thief gets me one step closer to finding out why the fuck he still has my brother's things and another step closer to finding out the truth.

Then you have the second school of thought, which is that this is a horrible fucking idea and I have lost my damn mind. I mean what the absolute fuck am I thinking? Sure, thought one makes sense where me showing my skills and being a thief would gain trust which leads to getting answers. But on the other side, it brings multiple sets of eyes on me and then come the different questions of who I am, what I do and what I am doing with them. Basically, I am putting a giant arrow over me saying 'hey I am someone with questionable morals and plenty of secrets but you should still trust me'. It breaks the number one rule, don't bring attention to yourself that threatens your con.

So, do I show some of my colors to see if I can get Briac to trust me faster or try to keep my mouth shut and back out of showing my thieving skills?

Yeah... with the end of the debate in my head, even despite the fact that I am risking this mission I choose the first. Yes, I am a little off task taking a job in the middle of a job but doing this may get Briac to trust me meaning I get more alone time with him making him talk more about the military. And my brother.

So, the gain really outweighs the risk.

And yeah, I know, I can ask Cane, hell he even offered me my universal answers, but with my attraction to him, which I shouldn't have, I won't cross that line.

Shouldn't give a shit, need to have emotions down but still can't cross it.

Damn the man.

But baby steps, can't rush this.

The vehicle stopped, the door opening beside me letting me hop out of the van. Princess gave the go ahead that the cameras on the property are on loop making sure that we aren't seen.

The men had come earlier to take out the security on the outside. Following Hamlet, we walk around the house meeting up with Cane and Smoke who nodded as we headed into the house. The client Maria is holding her child as Hunter helped her up the stairs. Cane, Smoke and I went in the opposite direction towards the basement where the vault must be located.

"Alright," Smoke started as he looked around, "we need to make this fast, we didn't have proper preparation time so right now there are a lot of unknowns. Get the papers and we get out."

Nodding I looked around taking note of everything. "And maybe find out why this loan shark has security outside of his usual pay grade." I said seeing one thing on the fire place mantle as we walked towards the vault room I need to break into. "He must be using the house as a drop."

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