39: Tennessee Whiskey

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Everything stopped around me when the gun went off.

The air in my lungs disappeared, the beating of my heart pounded in my ears, any thoughts or actions in my head all went quiet as I watched Cane fall. Seeing his body hit the ground I reached into my cuff taking out a small little knife and threw it into Club who still held his gun.

Club dropped but I didn't stay to take care of him, the knife landed in his chest; not close enough to his heart to kill him but where he is no longer a threat.

He deserved a painful death for hurting Cane.

My feet moved automatically to Cane, my body dropping beside his still body with my hands pressing hard into Cane's wound to the right side of his chest.

"Cane? Please can you hear me?" I asked with my voice shaking, the air still not going into my lungs from the panic cursing through my veins. "Cane please?"

His foggy dark eyes moved to mine, a breath escaping my lips seeing him look at me. A small smile appeared on his face, his lips parting with a cough. "Rose."

A nervous laugh escaped my lips while I focused on keeping pressure on his wound, the blood slipping through my fingers. "Hi."

Cane's hand moved up to my face, his hand disappearing into my hair to let his fingers twirl themselves in my locks. I pressed harder watching as his blood fully covered my hands, his chest soaked and now the pavement.

I was gasping trying to get air back in my lungs and use the air in my breathing to stay calm and not start to freak out over Cane. Glancing around I couldn't see through the smoke, but hearing the gunshots I knew I had cover for the moment.

Inhaling and exhaling carefully I try to bring my heartbeat down, I have never felt this type of panic before. Looking back to Cane I cup one of his cheeks. "Please Cane you can't die, you understand me? God what were you thinking stepping in front of me?"

His fingers kept threading through my hair while I gaped like a fish. Tears began to stream down my face. "Rose."

Shaking my head I pressed harder in his chest trying to stop the bleeding, my face leaning towards him as my thumb caressed his cheek. "You weren't supposed to get hurt. God why did you do that, the bullet was for me! For me!"

"Why would I let the woman I love die?" He said as I looked up in his eyes. "I know when you changed, I know when you were real."

I sobbed pressing my lips against his, Cane's soft lips tenderly kissing me back before I pulled back to see his eyes. "I wanted to tell you, but I needed the truth on Stephen and I was a cowered. Scared to loose you when you knew who I was."

He pulled lightly on my hair making me chuckle.

Kissing him again I press harder on his chest my eyes darting to see if someone was near but finding no one I look back into his dark eyes. "I love you, please don't leave me. I forbid you from it."

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