25: Emotions

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My body burned, air wouldn't go into my lungs, my ears rang, my vision blurred.

I felt emotion.

I felt fear... not from the bomb under the bike but for Cane... for Briac.

Mostly I felt fear for Cane because he warms my heart from his code, vulnerabilities, from looking at me. Felt fear for Briac because if anyone needs to kill him it will be me. Also, my time with Briac has given light he may someone who actually care for others.

But I shouldn't feel emotions!

I rolled over, a groan coming out my mouth. Pushing myself up, my left arm gave out making me slam back onto the ground, my mouth releasing another groan of pain.

Looking myself over, I see blood coming out from my arm and from the pain coming from behind I could only assume that my shoulder is beaten up as well.

Hearing voices, I lifted my head noticing Cane getting up.

Developing feelings for Cane is worse than sleeping with him. I am letting my soul come back. I can't have a man like him. Warm, open, real, good.

I am anything but.

Cane turned his head, quickly running over, dropping onto to his knees once beside me.

"Rose? Fuck you okay?" He placed his hand on my shoulder putting pressure on an apparent wound.

My gut twisted looking at him. He was so close to being killed, killed because someone is after Briac and that same person hired me.

And I put him in danger because I can't say anything.

Because I haven't acted.

Seeing a shadow, I turn finding Briac run a hand through his hair getting gravel out as he bent down to me. Brothers running around checking for bombs and getting the fire under control.

"How did you know?" Briac directed his attention to me, my body shivered at the cold direct tone he used, suspicion vibrating on that very tone.

I could have let him die. I could have just let him die and wash my hands of this whole thing. Be able to walk away from being torn apart from guilt and the pain of the past.

But I can't, not until I find out if he is guilty or not. Therefor he cannot die until I find out. Rose needs to fuck off, she has fucked up enough. I need to be Siren.

"Getting her to Doc." Cane said bending down and picking me up to run me inside.

I must be in shock because I am not paying attention to anything important right now. From the bike explosion? No. From emotions that are making themselves known to me? Fucking yes.

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