32: Nothing

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The room was silent.

Around the church table nobody moved, nobody said anything. We were seething in our chairs, our blood wanting nothing more than revenge. Revenge from the betrayal of one red headed girl.

I could feel eyes on me, every brother either feeling sorry for me getting close with the con-woman, the grifter who is Siren. Or they were enraged that I, Spotter, the one who is supposed to see the threats coming a mile away got played putting our entire club in danger.

And I didn't, instead I slept with the enemy.


Annabel Rose fucking Anderson. The baby sister to Hollywood. I knew she looked familiar and when I found out she was the one to rob me years ago I left it at that but now I see it, see her and Hollywood.

Same hair, eyes and slanted smile.

How could I have been so blind? Even Briac wondered about it, but if I had to guess he and I refused to think Hollywood's baby sister was stirred up in our shit.

I could see 'Rose' now; her coming in with a personality so broad she could adapt to who she needed to be in order to stay here. Bartender is the perfect cover. But she slipped in the end, her real personality came out.

Unless I was blind and she played me so well I couldn't even see.

After all, it was real on my end.

Over the years I never thought much about being with a woman, it wasn't like I had a thing against it. It was because there hadn't been anyone to turn my head or keep me interested.

Why waste time when I'm not into it?

And now? Now the woman who was Hollywood's little sister, the woman who turned my head is my enemy. What else am I supposed to think when she placed a knife to Amara's throat and a gun to Briac.

We all heard the gunshot. We were about to come through a backdoor into the clubhouse when we heard it, our hearts dropping at the thought the bullet went into our President, my best friend. But I couldn't help the cold, terrified thought the bullet went into Rose, that she was hurt or dead.

I ran into the clubhouse to where I last saw my best friend and lover, I couldn't say who I feared for the most. I couldn't even breath until I made it to the bar stopping short seeing Briac casually drinking a Jameson whisky bottle, the fire sprinkles pouring water down, the lights off, fire alarm blaring. Apparently Rose shot the fire sprinklers in the ceilings and activated alarms when she disappeared.

Just as fast as Rose, or Anabel or Siren appeared, she was gone.

She leaft the club scrambling to stop the sprinklers, firemen coming to stop the alarms and police who were wondering why the firemen had been called twice in one day. Giving her time to disappear without us following or finding out what going on.

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