33: Can't Run Forever

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I laid on top of a random car's hood, staring up at the night sky while taking out my frustration on the universe.

"I've been tearing around in my fuck nightgown!" I screamed 'Hope is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have- But I Have It' by Lana Del Rey that played inside the car. "24/7 Sylvia Plath, writing in blood on my walls, cause the ink in my pen don't work in my notepad, don't ask if I'm happy you know that I'm not. But as best, I can say I'm not sad, cause hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like to have!!!!"

I shouted the song into the air not giving a shit about being off key, there were not shits left. "HOPE IS A DANGEROUS THING FOR A WOMAN LIKE ME TO HAVE!"

The sound of tires speeding into the lot and skidding to a stop made me take a swig of a bottle of tequila I grabbed from the bar before taking off, I didn't bother to look over to see who arrived only focused on drinking. A door slammed shut as heels came stomping over, the sound of the heels making me groan taking another sip of alcohol.

"What the hell did you do!" A woman shouted at me making my head turn to see a very angry Mexican Italian Mafia woman standing there with her hands on her hips sending daggers through her eyes to me.

I lifted the tequila to her, wiggling my brows at my best friend, focusing on her here and not why she is here. "ESPERENZAAAA!! Want to sing Lana Del Rey with me? I've got a play list going also you look smoking my favorite girl. I am also screaming into the universe, so your welcome to join in."

She tapped her toes as she looked at me, her not joining me making me pout. Yeah, I know why she is here. "No. I want to know why I got a call telling me that my best grifter the Siren almost killed the president of the Riders of Silence... our allies! WHAT THE FUCK!"

"Oh yeah... oops." I turned back to the sky bringing the bottle to my lips taking another swig. "But I didn't so you don't have to kill me for going rogue just send me to like Italy or some shit."

She groaned loudly walking over to the car laying down beside me. "Love you Rose but I am going to need to know what happened if I am to protect you from my cousin..." Right her cousin Lorenzo, Lorenzo Sorrentino, Sorrentino mafia... oops.

Esperenza took the tequila from me as I puckered my lips from their tingling. "Well it started when I was visiting my brother and a man told me that my brother didn't die from the Taliban he died from a fellow man in his unit. Briac. So, well I got pissed and decided that this could be a bunch of bullshit by a random person or it could be true. So, I went to the Riders, got my way in through befriending the Lunas, got a job behind the bar and began to spy to find the truth."

"You trusted someone who told you your brother died by one of the brothers he has in his unit?" She asked softly passing back the tequila. "Really? A random stranger was valid source?"

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