DI: 1

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August 25, 2009
Chicago, Illinois

I hurried across the carpet floor in my stained school clothes. Frantically closing the door I practically lunged into my cozy bed and hid under the covers. The noise soon sounded throughout my mother's room causing me to cringe. The sound of grunting and fists connecting into bare skin frightened me. My mother's cries couldn't be heard; she grew accustomed to the beatings that were from my superhero— so I thought.

After a few moments of dressers being banged into and a few whimpers it suddenly stopped. Blowing a breath I slowly removed the flower decorated covers from over my head and smiled, it was finally over. The best thing happened that night it started to rain, which always meant I would get a good nights sleep. And mommy would read me a bed times story if daddy let her.

While changing out of my clothes into my monster high pajamas my room door suddenly opened. My mother's head came into view she looked back, making sure my father wasn't there before entering all the way. That meant we would be going somewhere we weren't supposed to. I sadly watched as she limped and sat on my bed with her head hanging low; taking a seat next to her my tiny hands landed on top of hers making her look ahead at the wall.

"Pack some clothes butt we going to Jason's house" I smiled widely, hearing his name. Jason was my mother's friend he took me to get ice cream a few times sometimes he would even pick me up from school. Mommy said not to tell daddy though I could never understand why, I thought they would get along perfectly fine. She planted a kiss on my forehead and I did as told: packed clothes to go to Jason's.

My father walked with us outside he carried me in his arms like the baby that I was. You see? He was Superman. Daddy always took care of me and he always gave me whatever I wanted, you want to know the best part? he did everything in his power to protect me. He was my all and I was his.

"Don't have no nigga around my baby" my mother grabbed onto the door panel and tried closing the door but he stopped it with his leg.
She huffed before looking up at him with a disgusted look.

"I'm not, king" he slammed the door shut and watched as we pulled out of the parking lot. I waved at him goodbye and giggled when he stuck his tongue out at me. My daddy was funny he was the funnest man I ever knew, I loved him. Making it to Jason's place he opened the door and picked me up instantly.
Being the spoiled princess was so much fun the kingdom was so pretty. There was two vending machines and a big bed in the room that we all slept in.

Playing with the collar of his shirt I wasn't really paying attention to him and mom's conversation. I never wanted to hear something I wasn't supposed to because I would tell my daddy. Jason tucked me in the bed and kissed me goodnight before closing his room door and going back to mommy.

As a little girl I understood a lot of things that I wish I didn't because it would carry with me my entire life. The next morning mommy got a call from my aunt. She popped up and rubbed her eyes I then became aware and alarmed. My little brain was filled with so many questions.Something unexpected happened Jason and mommy kissed in front of me. From there on Jason was cancelled.

We made it back to the house and the atmosphere was different. It felt empty like something was missing.

"Daddy" I screamed up the stairs but I got no response. Was he mad at me for what mommy and Jason did? I didn't know they were going to do that oh my god I hope he's not mad at me.

"Butt" looking at mommy she had tears coming from her eyes. Why was she crying? Where's daddy? "I have to tell you something about daddy" instantly tears started to cascade down my face. She hadn't told me what happened but I was thinking the worse. However, Superman was in Jail and he wouldn't be coming back for a while.

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