DI: 50

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"She walked into the house and seen him laying in a puddle of blood, Cedric" I heard La'Shay cry to her oldest brother who looked like he wanted to kill somebody on sight. He hadn't shed a tear since he's been here, he just made phone calls and remained calm. I knew what type of timing he was on, which is why I didn't question his behavior. Dialing my mothers phone number again I listened to it go straight to voicemail.

Slamming my phone on the chair next to me I pulled at my hair and began to cry. We've been waiting in this hospital for hours by the grace of God they were able to bring him back and start surgery but, he was in critical condition so the chances of him surviving were slim to none.

"Hey, everything's going to be okay" his mother grabbed me and pulled me into a hug as I cried loudly. I didn't care about being too loud, I didn't care about anything I just wanted ice. "you have to stay strong" her voice cracked and that didn't do me any good it only made me cry more. Doctors raced through the hospital doors, making me look up. A doctor was on top of the person giving them CPR while the other doctors told everyone to move out the way.

I stood up when I seen a glimpse of the persons face it looked fairly familiar and my heart dropped when I seen who it was.

"Mom" I said in disbelief and followed the doctors who were now out of my sight. I began to go into the direction they went but was pulled into someone's chest.

"No, no mommy let me go!, let me the fuck go!" I beat on the persons chest who had a tight grip on me I was now crying hysterically. My boyfriend was on the verge of death and now my mother was laying on a hospital trying to be brought back to life. Feeling my knees become weak my vision was starting to blur and I was seeing double.

"Ay, red I need you to chill" Dwight's words were falling on deaf ears as I blinked my eyes repeatedly, trying to stay awake.

"Family of Ezekiel Abadi" suddenly everything went black before I could hear what was about to be said.
Wincing in pain I opened my eyes and instantly tried sitting up when I seen I was laying in a hospital bed. I looked at the heart monitor and squinted my eyes trying to remember what happened. The door being opened caught my attention and I looked at the doctor who smiled at me.

"Ms. Sky" the doctor called out and I sat up on the bed.

"What happened" she pulled out a chair and sat by the bed.

"You passed out" I looked down and grabbed my stomach, my heart began to hammer against my chest as I remembered the events that took place before I ended up in this bed. I looked at the doctor with tears in my eyes preparing for the worse news of my life.

"I'm pregnant"

"I know your three weeks along to be exact, which is why I came in here to tell you your blood pressure was extremely high and if it wasn't for your lovely family there's no telling what could've happened" I covered my mouth with my hand and tried not to cry but it was so hard to not do that right now. "I'm going to keep you in here for a couple more hours just to monitor you and make sure you and the baby are okay" I nodded my head and smiled weakly when I seen Tai walk in with Kylie who ran to the bed, trying to get on it with me.

"Hey pookie" I said leaning over and picking her up she got in the covers and laid next to me. "I missed you" kissing her forehead I looked at Tai who had tears coming down her eyes. Smiling I took a deep breath and looked over at Riah who looked the same as Tai, devastated.

"Amora" Tai said and I wiped the tear that slipped from my eye before looking her way. She walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come here, Kylie" Jerrell said. She poked her lip out and grabbed me I rubbed her head then made her look at me.

"Go to daddy" she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck before Tai helped her off the bed.

"Please tell me Tai, please tell me he made it" I cried as she wiped the tear that fell from her eye.

"He made it" I put my head down and let every bit of pain, regret, and angry feeling leave my body. This was some different type of pain it was deeper than stress I couldn't even form it into words.

"W-What about mommy" my lips quivered as she gripped my hand tighter. Tai was sad it might've not matched how Amora was feeling but the circumstances that everyone was in didn't sit right with her soul. I couldn't lose my mom I didn't even tell her about her grandchild.

"She survived" I blew a breath and Tai hugged me, letting me cry in her arms. It was all so bittersweet I really just wanted to see them, I wanted to be with them knowing they made it wasn't enough.

"Did you guys see them" I wiped my eyes.

Yeah, they let us see them ice wasn't really in the mood he was worried about you when we told him you passed out and your mom just cried" she explained. "They were both prescribed meds so they were in and out, they probably sleep now"

"What happened to my mom"

"I'm not sure but she did mention something about a Braelyn" I scrunched up my face.

"Ice made a hit for ced a couple months ago on this lady name Maylean Cortez ion know all the details but, ya mama boyfriend that nigga Braelyn was her brother and he started talking to her to get back at ice" Jerrell said with Kylie in his arms who didn't stop looking at me. My pookie was probably so worried and confused.

"That explains why he was in my room"

"What that nigga was doing in yo room" Dwight asked finally speaking since he's been in the room. He was sitting slouched in his seat with a hoodie over his head. I shrugged my shoulders and he nodded his head, sniffing. Even though Ice and Dwight weren't on the best of terms it pained him to see him laid in that hospital bed.

"Ight bet" he said before getting out of the chair.

"Dwight please don't go do nothing stupid it's already enough going on right now" I said knowing he was about to go and look for Braelyn. I didn't want anything else happening to someone I cared about, I want my baby to know all of its unties and uncles.

"Man Amora that punk ass nigga shot up my brother and did something to yo momma I'm not letting this shit slide it's get back time I'll see y'all later" he slammed the door and I sighed while rubbing my forehead I could feel a headache approaching. This shit sucks.

"Stop crying boo" Mariah sat on the bed and looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I can't" I cried and covered my eyes. "I thought I was going to lose him and then seeing my mom like that really scared me, Riah" they hugged me and let me get it all out. There was so much running through my brain and all I wanted to do right now was be laid up with ice, telling him about my day at school.

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