DI: 30

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La'Shay 💕

Grabbing my phone from the counter I went to my camera and took a picture of my clients hair. She walked to the mirror as I posted the picture and replied to a comment. That's what I loved about my followers they were active as hell and supported me so good.

"I love itt" the girl squealed before taking the money from her purse and passing it to me. "My boyfriend is going to want to do the nasty when he sees me" the girl sticked out her tongue and twerked. I laughed and looked at her I wondered how old she is.

"How old are you" I asked walking her to the door.

"Sixteen, I'm turning seventeen tomorrow" I made an 'O' shape with my lips and opened the door. "Its going to be a big get together do you want to come" I was a little skeptical because why would a stranger invite me to her birthday party but shit who was I hurting I needed to get out the house anyways.

"Sure just send me the address" we said goodbye and I shut the door putting my hand on my back. The only problem I had with doing hair was how long I had to stand up my feet and back would kill me. Grabbing the cranberry juice and crackers I sat on the couch and put on the 100. I had a long ass day at school and home all I wanted to do now was lay down and get some rest. The front door opened I didn't bother looking I knew it was Ezekiel I gave him a copy of the key so I wouldn't have to get up whenever he decided to pop up. It was only temporary I'm already knowing we'll get into it and I'll take the key back.

He took his shoe off by the door and joined me on the couch changing my whole position.

"Who the fuck do you think you are" I smiled at him as he got comfortable between my legs his head now resting on my stomach. He smacked his lips and looked at the tv before turning his attention to what I was eating.

"That's nasty as fuck" I rolled my eyes and popped a cracker in my mouth he wasn't eating it so he didn't have to worry about it. I looked down at him and made a face.

"What" I bucked my eyes at him and he smirked.

"Nothing" he licked his lips and smiled, weird ass nigga. "I missed yo sexy ass" he pulled me down to where we were face to face. Smirking I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.

"Show me how much you missed me" kissing him on the ear I watched as he lifted up and pulled his shirt off. This was going to be a long night.

Waking up I blocked my eyes from the streetlight that came through my blinds and looked down at what was underneath me. Ezekiel was knocked out last night we fucked everywhere from the kitchen to the bathroom I honestly need to get on birth control before my luck runs out and I end up getting pregnant.

Laying back down on his chest I snuggled into him more than I already was and closed my eyes getting ready to go back to sleep. I sucked my teeth when my ringtone went off, ignoring it I closed my eyes but that wasn't shit because it went off again.

"Mamas, answer the phone" groaning I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and answered it.

"What you doing" Mariah said through the phone as Ice snaked his hand to my bare ass, causing me to shiver from how cold his hands were.

"Nothing I just woke up" he rubbed his hands in a circular motion and I smiled then looked up at him. His other arm was behind his head while his eyes remained shut. "Why, what happened" I asked.

"What's the move tonight I'm tryna be on some bald head hoe shit" I chuckled and hissed when he slapped my ass, opening one of his eyes.

"I'm supposed to be going to one of my clients party she gave me the address and all you tryna slide" grabbing ice's face I pecked him on the lips repeatedly making him cheese hard as fuck. I mouthed 'I love you' and he did it back.

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