DI: 28

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A hard hit to my chest caused me to pop up out of my sleep and look at what it was, my phone. Confusion written all over my face I leaned against her bed and looked at my phone that was opened on me and Hope messages. Shit. Looking at Amora I watched as she walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down.

"Amora" sighing I didn't know how to explain this shit to her I don't even think I could to be honest the shit was self explanatory. Hope is pregnant. I forgot to mention it to her I was caught up in the moment I forgot all about the shit but that wasn't what was bothering me it was the fact that she wasn't reacting. "I forgot to tell you"

Grabbing her shoulder I turned her body towards mine and seen the tears falling from her eyes. Wiping them away she blankly stared into my eyes.

"I'm sorry baby" kissing her on the lips I still hadn't got a reaction and I didn't like that. "Say something you scaring me" she was scaring a nigga bad Amora would've been beat my ass or something but she wasn't doing shit but laying here, crying.

"Please just beat my ass or curse me out" I desperately said but all she did was look at me with a look I've never seen before that shit was bothering me. Pulling her into me I wrapped my arms around her body and rubbed my hands through her hair. I could feel her tears soaking my bare chest causing my heart to pump faster.
Waking up from my sleep Amora wasn't in my grasp anymore making me lift up and rub my eyes. The house was silent I blew a breath of relief when she walked into the room fully dressed like she was going somewhere. Getting out of the bed I walked over to her, stopping her in her tracks. Scanning her face I rubbed my hands across the bags that laid under her eyes.

"I'm sorry" she pushed pass me and turned off the bathroom light before grabbing her purse and keys. Scrunching up my face I followed her a she walked towards the front door getting ready to leave. "Where the fuck you going" I grabbed her arm and she looked at me.

"Don't worry about me Ezekiel you need to worry about your babymother it's not cool leaving her home alone wondering where you are while she's carrying your baby" she looked at my hand that was wrapped around her forearm. "Can you let me go"

"You not leaving me" I chuckled and yanked her backwards moving in front of the door so she couldn't leave. I understand I fucked up but I couldn't lose Amora again I love her ass too much to let her go.

"Ezekiel please I can't keep doing this with you" she dropped her bag and keys, sitting on the couch covering her face. "Why can't you just let me go" she asked with tears coming down her face. I could tell I was breaking her down but I was too selfish to let her go I couldn't let her go.

"I love you, you not leaving me I made a mistake just fucking forgive me and get over it"

"I fucking hate you" she spat jumping off the couch and got in my face her words cut me deep as we just stared at each other.

"You don't mean that shit" she chuckled.

"I hate everything about you I hate the fact that your breathing, I hate the way you talk and walk, the way you make me feel, the way you act like everything can just go your way I hate you Ezekiel" my hand wrapped around her throat and I turned her around, slamming her into the door causing her to wince in pain.

"You can hate me until the day you die but you fucking stuck with me" and that's all it took for me to say until she snapped on my ass. Her fist hit my face making me stumble back and she  continued to take off on my ass. I let her hit me though I deserved every hit she was giving me every single one.

"Fight back" she cried as she still hit me. "I hate you, I hate you" she gripped my shirt and cried into it before pushing away from me and going back into the room.

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