DI: 18

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I been sitting in my car for the past hour watching and waiting for Amora to bring her ass out this school. She'd been dodging and hiding for a good minute I tried to refrain from coming to her school but she had me fucked up. She took four thousand dollars from me I could make the same amount in just a day but it wasn't about that, it was respect. I been keeping it real this whole time and she do some crackhead ass shit like steal from me.

"Bet" I said aloud rather than just thinking it. Everything I thought about pursuing with her was out the window that shit she pulled said a lot. Instead of asking me who the girl was she assumed the worse. I put my lips on her pussy and she really think I would bring her to another bitch house.

"Fuck you at" kids walked out the school left and right but that didn't make it hard for me at all because she stuck out like a sore thumb. She walked with Tai' Sani and Mariah laughing like shit was sweet that shit pissed me off more. I let her walk off a little before getting out the car, walking behind them.

"Y'all should check y'all surroundings more anybody could be watching" I said and they stopped walking. "You been hiding from me" walking around her I looked her dead in the eye she was real good at hiding her emotions because I couldn't read her for nothing in the world.

"No, Ezekiel I have not been hiding from you maybe you should be the one checking your surroundings more" she said slickly before trying to walk away but I stepped up to her.

"back up from my homegirl like that" Mariah said following his every move with Tai' Sani right behind her they didn't know the situation but they were automatically going to be ten toes down behind Amora. "You straight Amora, you know I can give you a ride home it's nothing" Tai' Sani said. She sighed before shaking her head Amora knew she needed to explain herself or he wasn't going to keep playing games with her.

"I'm good imma catch y'all up later" I walked behind her as she went to my car I can't even lie her ass looked good making me re-think all my options. I didn't know if I wanted to give her out to the world again, nah. She too pretty I can't let her go nowhere but that wasn't going to stop be from stepping down on her.

"You know you got me fucked up, right" I said as I drove to my house if Amora thought I was finna play with her ass she had another thing coming.

"Ezekiel I really don't care the fuck" she said irritated while typing on her phone. Rolling down the window I snatched it out her hand and threw it out the window. "Dude, WHAT THE FUCK!" now I had her attention.

"That money you stole from me I need all of it back"

"You not getting shit back you just threw my fucking phone" she shouted I almost slapped the fuck out of her ass. "Fuck outta here you gon bring me to a bitch house and think everything gon be good is you fucking stupid" I'm finna slap fye from her retarted ass in two seconds.

"That bitch was my sister and if ion get my money back you gon be one of those people that I got a file on"

"Well too fucking bad cause that shit gone gone" Amora hadn't spent the money she wasn't going to do that but she wanted him to be mad just like her. I nodded my head before pulling into my yard and shutting off the car.

"Get out the car" she didn't move an inch so I got out and opened her door before pulling her hair and yanking her out of the car. "You gon stop fucking playing with me" I opened the front door and let her go, making her stumble a little. She took off her jacket and walked to my room with me trailing behind her. Removing my gun from the front of my pants I put it on my new dresser, I had bought a new bedroom set. When I turned around her fist connected with my face that was her last time putting her hands on me without me fucking her ass up.

We were in my room fighting bad I was so fucking irritated with this little ass girl it made no sense but I wasn't about to leave her alone I just need her to understand what she did wrong.

"You done?" I questioned her out of breath as her back laid on my bed with my front against her. She had my hair while I pinned her other hand down so she couldn't hit me. Her chest heaved up and down and her face was red. My chain had popped and her hair was messed up from all the tussling that was going on.

"Get off me, Ezekiel" her voice cracked I guess she call herself about to cry but I don't give a fuck she tried me. "Fuck off of me" she tried getting up but I put all my weight on her. Feeling defeated Amora huffed and gave up all she wanted him to do was let her go and then she'd leave. Slowly letting go of her hand she let my hair go but I stayed on her.

We looked at each other in complete silence before kissing one another. Her lips were just as I imagined them, soft. I grabbed her neck and took control over the kiss asking for entrance. Our tongues danced as her body relaxed under me I sucked on her bottom lip, pecking them before taking my hand and slipping them in her shorts, rubbing over her laced panties.

"Ice" she moaned out as I rubbed over her clit I took one finger and inserted it then added another one rotating them in a circular motion.

"Why you stole from me" I plunged them in and out of her wetness as her head went back. Grabbing her face I forced her to look at me moving my fingers faster and faster, causing her body to move back and forth. "Answer me"

"I-I don't know" not liking her answer I went down and separated her lips with my index and middle finger. Letting my tongue hit her treasure I moved my tongue up and down letting it go further into her hole. Amora let out a sound of pleasure as her back arched. I could feel her walls beginning to clench so I pulled out my tongue and fingers before she could cum.

"Don't steal from me again"

Dear, IceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon