Mood Swings - Pregnant Taylor

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Taylor was eight weeks pregnant. She had not yet started to show, but the morning sickness was getting worse, as well as the mood swings.

Joe kissed Taylor's forehead softly, "Good morning love, it's time to get up."

Taylor groaned, mumbling something about being tired.

Joe frowned, "I know, but you have the meeting this morning."

Taylor glared at him, "I could've just set an alarm, don't wake me up next time, okay?"

"Alright," Joe said, he could already tell it was one of the bad days, and didn't want to aggravate her.

Taylor pushed herself out of the bed and into the bathroom, brushing her teeth. Joe followed closely behind, just in case she had a wave of sickness. Sure enough as soon as she rinsed her toothbrush off she turned around to the toilet, vomiting.

Joe quickly got down next to her holding her hair back. As soon as Taylor was done she turned around to, once again, glare at him. "I can handle myself Joe, you don't need to hold my hair back."

"I don't want your hair to get in your way love," Joe spoke softly.

Taylor slammed the toilet seat down, flushing it, "I don't care. I can handle it."

She strutted out of the bathroom, and Joe opted to stay behind, giving her some space. These days were happening more and more frequently, Taylor becoming angry at Joe with everything he does, and Joe trying to help her in everywhere possible.

Ten minutes later he walked down the stairs, eyeing a grumpy Taylor at the counter, staring out into space. "Hey Taylor," Joe said softly, approaching her.

Taylor put her head in her hands as he approached, "Go away."

"Are you sure? Are you alright?" Joe asked cautiously, placing a hand on her back.

Taylor was silent for a moment before speaking, "God Joe, please just leave before I fucking scream at you."

Joe nodded slowly, "I'm going to go out to the tennis court, okay? Make sure to call me if you need anything."

Taylor didn't reply as Joe walked out the back door, just stayed sitting at the counter. In between meetings Taylor avoided him, still visibly in a bad mood. At four Joe got a text from Tree, 'Is Taylor alright now? She still looked a little pale after. And did you make sure she got those medications?'

Joe immediately panicked 'Pale after what? Did something happen? She's been avoiding me all day. What are the medications for?'

'Taylor didn't tell you? She ran out of the meeting to throw up, and she told me about these terrible dreams she's been having. She said she scheduled a doctor's appointment for 2:00  today, to get prescribed some medicine.' Came Tree's reply.

Joe full on freaked out, 'What the hell? I'm checking on her right now, I'll  text you later.'

Joe practically dashed up the stairs to their bedroom where he assumed Taylor was. He opened the door a crack, peeking in and seeing Taylor pouring pills into her hand. Joe frowned, upset that she kept this from him. He knew she was avoiding him, but he didn't even know she left the house for a doctor's appointment, he was in the office working.

Joe closed the door and knocked again, curious as to if she would tell him now about the pills. He heard a rattling noise then Taylor open the door, "Hi."

Joe stepped inside, there were no pills visible in the room. "Hey baby, just checking on you. How's your day been?"

Taylor forced a smile, "All right. Not to busy, I've just been wandering about the house."

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