Help Pt. 1

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Requested By: Zulfaaawd

Joe's phone rang, but he turned off his ringer, seeing as he was in the middle of a meeting. Twenty minutes later, once the meeting was over, he drove back to their house in London. Taylor was currently in L.A for work, but she would be back in a week. He looked at his phone, seeing that he had missed a call from Tree.

He called her back, and got an instant answer. "Hey, what's up," Joe said, walking over to the living room.

"Hey," Tree's voice was hoarse, and Joe knew instantly that something was wrong. "Um, where are you right now?"

"I'm at the house, why?" Joe asked.

Tree paused, "Somethings happened. With Taylor."

"What happened? Is she okay?" Joe asked, a nervous edge to his voice.

"Not exactly... um... she's gone. We can't find her," Tree said quietly.

Joe took a moment to register, "What?"

"I don't know the full details but um, chances are she's been," Tree tried not to cry. "kidnapped."

"What? No, no she hasn't," Joe said. "I facetimed her just this morning, she's fine, she's fine, please say she's fine."

Tree bit her lip, "I'm sorry Joe."

"No. No fucking way. No way. No she's okay. She's okay," Joe started to cry, sitting down on the couch.

Tree sighed, "I'm trying to get this under control, we want to keep it under wraps from the media as long as possible. Hopefully we'll get her back in the next two days, and after a week I'm guessing it'll be all over the news."

"I don't care about the fucking media, I just want to know where the fuck my girlfriend is," Joe said through gritted teeth. He ran his hand through his hair, "I'm sorry, I'm being rude I just. Oh my god."

"I know, it's a lot. Would it make you feel better if you came to America? I haven't told Andrea yet and... maybe you could tell her?" Tree asked tentatively.

Joe nodded, "Yeah, yeah I'll get on a flight right now. I'll be there as soon as possible, just please keep me updated. Is the jet in London right now?"

"Yeah, the jet's still in London, I'll make sure it's ready to go when you get there," Tree said.

Joe thanked her, before hanging up the phone. He put his head in his hands beginning to sob. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck. He tried to wipe the tears away so he could pack, but they kept flowing.

Eventually he finished packing his bags, and drove to the airport. After getting on the jet, he sat down in his seat, putting his head in his hands. He couldn't think about anything but Taylor. He got another call from Tree, and instantly picked it up.

"Hey, are you on the plane now?" Tree asked.

"Yeah," Joe said, his voice scratchy.

"So I just thought you deserved a little more, so here's what we know so far." Tree cleared her throat. "In the morning Gigi and Selena came over, and they hung out at the house until around three, when they all went out to the bar. Security was doing there usual thing, following her from a safe distance. Somewhere after about four thirty is when Taylor most likely... you know. She told security she was going to the restroom, and didn't... didn't come back out." Tree held back tears.

Joe was silent for a moment, "Okay, thanks for telling me."

Tree nodded, "I'll see you when you get here."

"Bye," Joe said quietly, hanging up his phone. He rested his head in his hands, letting out a loud sob. He didn't care if everybody else heard him, he just wanted Taylor back.

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