Chapter 1

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Before you start to read this, please know that this is my very first fanfic so please not negative things.

I've always wanted to write a story ever since and I was surprised that it was going to be about 1D.

I'm a huge fan and like every other Directioner, I want to marry all 5.

This Chapter (aka the begining of a journey) is dedicated to my Twin from another mother C;

She inspired me to even write a fanfiction, she gave my story a chace and it meant alot. Please check out her stories, they are amazing xx

I also want to thank @ShaniFrancis for editing this chapter (;

Check out her stories xx

Thank you so much C:

~ Banana xx


Chapter 1

Ever's Pov

The ringing of my alarm clock, followed by a One Direction song playing on the radio, made me swiftly get out of bed and hit the alarm. The fact that One Direction was the first thing I heard today,filled me with disgust as worked my way to the bathroom. I really didn't care for them that much, unlike my best friend Kate who was way beyond obsessed with them.

"Ever, you're going to be late, hurry up!" My mom yells from the kitchen. I sighed while stepping out of the shower, slowly tip toeing to my closet picking out my clothes. My thoughts reminded me its summer, and how summer is always followed by a summer job. This time I was going to be working in downtown Chicago, at this Smoothie shop that opened up recently. If I was lucky I'd actually make some money and plan a big shopping spree with my name on it. By the time I looked at my clock, I could tell that already on my first day I was going to be late.

Finally dressed wearing my black shorts, and t-shirt that says "I <3 NY," not forgetting my favorite pair of vans. I took one last look in my mirror, before heading out."Bye , mom!" I yelled, heading towards the front door, and slamming it behind me.


Running towards the crowded train station, I accedentally bumped into a very tall guy wearing a beanie over an obvious patch of curls. We both crash landed on the floor, along with his beenie which now laid beside him. Gaining my composure back and about to apologize, I looked. His face and very green eyes were in plain sight, as he stared at me with a attractive gawk. Without a doubt I knew who he was. From all those posters and ablums Kate had in her bedroom. It was Harry Freaken Styles.


Like I wasn't already going to be late.

Harry's Pov

When I hit the ground, I felt my beenie slip from my head. I could already hear all the girls screaming, specially the one in front of me which I hadn't notice was staring right at me. All I wanted to do this morning was go out and take a break before my interview at noon. But, I believe my plan will be ruined in less than a minute. To my surprise, a very attractive girl with long curly brown hair; and light brown eyes which made me swoon on the inside, was on the floor next to me.

She got onto her knees and took a hold of my beenie, which startled me. What she going to do? I thought to myself. Was she going to take it? If she did my cover would be blown, and I would be swarmed with a mob of girls. But instead, she placed it back on my head all the way enough to cover my eyes. Once I pulled it over enough so that I could see, I noticed she was gone, and in her place was a piece of paper with a address scribbled on it.

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