Aina Farrah😉

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Shea ☺️👩🏾‍🎓


"WELCOME EVERYONE, OUR STUDENTS, GRADUATES, TEACHERS, STAFF AND ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL!" The principal speaks into the mic "THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING, EVERYONE LOOKS LOVELY TODAY AND I AM GLAD WE DECIDED TO LET EVERYONE WEAR WHAT THEY WANT, SUCH AMAZING OUTFITS I SEE ESPECIALLY SHEA WRIGHT, MICHAEL CARRI AND DIAMOND AYSHER, YOU LOOK AMAZING!" The principal compliments us. Everyone well most, know diamond and I aren't together which is why so many faces stared our way, they see me with a female close by but she isn't my partner we are just talking. Her name is Aina Farrah, She went to the other school with me then I transferred back here to finish my five classes and surprisingly they let me. I graduated before everyone else but still get to attend "Why is she mean mugging me?" Aina asks "Just ignore her it's fine" I say as I look over at diamond who is standing with Junior all alone "ima go see my son, want to come?" I ask Aina "Umm I guess" she walks with me "Hey!" I say to diamond "Who's this?" She asks "Hi I'm Aina, Shea's...?" She looks at me and I nod yes "Shea's partner.. well we are just dating nothing is official" Aina smiles "hmm okay!" Diamond hands Michael Jr to me "What's up lil man" I kiss my son "Yo that's my boy!" Michael comes running over with his daughter Michaela in his arms "Go away!" Diamond says "He's my son!" Michael says "Yeah and you haven't seen him since he was a few months old" I butt in "exactly" diamond rocks her hips to the side "So I'm here now, look he wants to meet his little sister" Michael smiles but none of us do. We want him gone "EVERYONE WE WILL CALL YOU ONE BY ONE TO GIVE YOU YOUR DIPLOMA THAN EVERYONE CAN GO INTO THE CAFETERIA AND EAT UP, PARENTS BROUGHT THEIR BEST DISHES AND SO DID WE!" The principal smiles

"So she been around Junior?" Diamond asks me when everything is over with "No what the hell, I keep my relationships private, Our son is my life and I would never bring anybody home to meet him when I barely know them" I shake my head "I'm just checking" she rolls her eyes while making Jr a plate "I know but you should know me better, How's everything with you?" I ask her "Fine... My mom is kicking me out" she says "Why?" I ask "Why do you think?" She looks down "Do you have a place in mind?" I ask "Nope but I have to find one quick, I leave today" She rubs her belly "Baby kicking?" I ask "Yes see" she pulls my hand and puts it on her stomach, I can feel the baby moving, kicking and punching "that's a fist" we laugh "Must be another boy" she giggles "Hmm when do you find out?" I ask "Next week, but my mama don't wann go, you know how disappointed she is with me" Diamond sighs "I'll go, if you don't mind..." I smile "Of course" diamond smiles. I know she would cheer up if I go! Plus support is always wonderful.

Aina Farrah
"Sh..." I walk into the café and Shea has her hand on Diamond's stomach, they are all giggles and shit! "What's going on?" I ask Shea "Oh nothing, just feeling the baby move. You want a plate?" Shea asks me "Yes please" I say sitting at the same spot she once was in "Soo how long did y'all date?" I already know the answer "a few years and some months" Diamond answers "hmm and you cheated on her now you're pregnant, Shea didn't deserve that you know?" I cross my legs and lean back "I know... Life happens, I apologized I regretted it, still do and now here I am" Diamond says while eating "Mmm oh I know, Anything I should be afraid of, you won't attack me for kissing her will you" I laugh then flip my long luscious hair "No, if she's happy with you that is fine" Diamond smiles "Hmm well just so you know, she is mine so don't try messing it up for us" I say as Shea comes back diamond just smiles at me. "Y'all ladies getting along?" Shea sits between us "of course babe" I kiss her neck "Ok good" she says "Thanks for the plate" I kiss her again, Diamond looks over and seems upset. Inside I am laughing

"Heyyyy!" Asia comes over and sits across from me "Go away!" I say "Please go" Shea sighs "Oh come on it's graduation I apologized many times" Asia pleads "Asia, Go away! Go be with your mans and son" I say annoyed "Asia leave us alone, especially diamond" Shea stands up "What? I can't chill with my old friends anymore" Asia giggles but nothing is funny I stand up and so does Aina we all go to a new table leaving Asia where she is "WOW!" She yells "DIAMOND AYSHER IS A WHORE AND A CHEATER!" She yells loud enough that everyone looks our way "NAW ASIA THATS ALL YOU! DIRTY SKANK!" Michael and his crew laugh "ASIA TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME WHEN I WAS DRUNK! KINGSTON IS MY SON BUT SHE DOESN'T TAKE CARE OF HIM SHE IS A DEADBEAT!"  "OOOOOOOOOOOO" "shiiit" "BURNED!" Everyone looks and points in Asia's direction "Got what you wanted? AGAIN!" I say as I turn and walk away with my son on my hip. Fuck that raggedy bitch...."you good?" Shea wraps her arm around my neck "I'm good" I smile "alright cuz I ain't wanna smack a pregnant bitch" we laugh aloud.

Johnathan Cade ( 7pm)
"Carla.... miss Carla!" I circle the gun around then place it to her face tracing her jawline with my gun "You just don't listen sweet thing now do you, mommy and daddy aren't here to save you now are they" I cock my head while throwing the gun back but not letting it fall from my one finger "please... let me go!" She cries out "I ain't holding you, go ahead leave if you want" A chuckle comes out of my mouth and Michael also chuckles "You think that you are going to press charges on him and not Javon... Well maybe... We should just end your life right now so your babies will never see mommy again BOOOM!" I yell in her ear causing her to jump out of fear "Aww look at that the lil wet mutt is scared" we laugh "please, I won't say anything please don't hurt me Johnathan... please..." tears leave Carla's eyes but really who gives a fuck "SHUT THAT BOO HOO SHIT UP RIGHT NOW!" I tap the gun on the chair, My blood starts boiling and I just want to blow her fucking  brains out "Michael I am sorry" Carla cries "BITCH IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TAKING MY DAUGHTER AWAY BY PRESSING CHARGES ON ME I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU!" Michael yells "Enough talking already I heard enough seriously!" I point the gun... Aim then pull the trigger.... "OOOOH SHIIIIT!" Michael screams while covering his ears "FUCK YEAH!" I laugh "John what the fuck?!?" Michael takes off running I follow behind him.


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