Episode 730

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Exterior shot of Wentworth at nighttime
The rec room.

Mandy and Ailsa are giggling away noisily in a corner

Mandy - Poor Brumby eh gran, this time tomorrow she'll be dead.

Ailsa chuckles

Ailsa - I reckon by 9 am at the latest

Mandy - Yeah, poor bitch, time sure is running out for her
Bea and Cheryl are sitting watching a news report on TV
Newsreader - Reports are coming in that Ruth Ballinger, who this station reported earlier today had won her appeal, has this evening been found dead. It is believed she was murdered by a known associate Dale King
Bea looks delighted, she glances at Cheryl and grins......


The women are crowded around the rec room tv watching intently
Newsreader - News just in, in the last few minutes Ruth Ballinger, the high-profile wife of notorious crime boss Arnie Ballinger has been reported to have won her appeal. We cross over now live to the scene outside the court where one of our reporters is waiting for Mrs Ballinger to come out
The screen switches to a news reporter standing outside the court
Newsreader - Has Mrs Ballinger emerged from the court yet?
News reporter - Not yet no, I do however have detective inspector Grace from Wentworth Police here, he is willing to answer a few questions...

Colleen comes back into reception with Kath, Bob, and Christine
Colleen - I must ask you both to sign out now
Bob - We will come and see you again soon Kath I promise
Kath nods and smiles at Bob
Bob and Christine turn away to sign out as Jim enters the reception
Jim - Where has Janice got to Colleen, I can't find her anywhere.
Colleen shrugs
Colleen - She left In a hurry saying she had some urgent business to attend to
Jim looks annoyed
Jim - Nice of her to tell me wasn't it, I'm only deputy governor after all
Colleen - Yes well I'll take Maxwell through now, can you see her visitors out please Jim
Jim - Yes no problem
Colleen leaves reception with Kath. Jim turns to Bob and Christine and looks stunned
Jim - Bob?
Bob also looks stunned
Bob - Jim you old son of a gun fancy seeing you here!
Jim - I work here, deputy governor no less
Bob turns to Christine
Bob - This is Jim Fletcher, we knew each other in Nam
Christine - It's always nice to meet old friends again isn't it
Jim - Sure is, Nam wasn't a happy experience for any of us but one positive thing we took out of it was the close bonds we formed with each other
Christine - I must be off now I'll leave you two to catch up
Bob - Yes thanks Christine, I'll call you later. Do you think we have a good case for helping her?
Christine - Yes I do Bob, a very good case
Christine leaves and Jim and Bob are alone
Jim - I'm due on a lunch break soon we should go for a pint
Bob - Yes I'd like that
Jim - What brings you here today anyway?
Bob - I came to visit Kath Maxwell
Jim looks surprised

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now