WENTWORTH HORROR STORY: PART 1 - The Abandoned Building (A miniseries)

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JUNE 1996

There are two young girls. One of them is a teenager about 16 years old. The other is younger and looks only about 11 years old. The two girls are waiting by a bus stop when a teenage boy wearing a mask and baseball cap arrives to meet them
The boy - Are you ready to do this then?
The older girl nods her head confidently but the younger girl looks less confident and looks scared
The younger girl - Look it could be dangerous. Maybe we shouldn't do it?
The two older kids look annoyed
The boy - Zoe if you want to go home to mummy then go and leave Elizabeth and me to get on with it on our own
Zoe - No please Ryan I want to come. I'm sorry I got scared but I want to be brave
Ryan - Good girl. Let's do this
The three of them walk along the road for a while and arrive by a chain link fence. They stand and look through into an overgrown field. And there is was in the distance, the old abandoned prison once known as Wentworth detention center
Elizabeth - It closed in 1987 so my mother said
Zoe - Yes and my mother was one of the last inmates there in 1986
Elizabeth - Yeah, your mother said the prison was a soft place by then. It was a much harder prison when my mother was there earlier in the '80s. She told me the most exciting stories about the prison. I bet they don't compare to your mother's stories about recording fairy tales on a camcorder or the women pulling silly pranks all day for a laugh
Zoe - Oh stop showing off Liz. Who cares which one of us has the mum with the most exciting stories? It's not like either of us ever experienced it either way
Ryan - Come on you two, enough talking, let's climb the fence and go explore the old abandoned prison!

Maybe I don't really wanna know How your garden grows 'Cause I just wanna fly Lately, did you ever feel the pain In the morning rain As it soaks you to the bone? Maybe I just wanna fly Wanna live, I don't wanna die Maybe I just wanna breathe Maybe I just don't believe Maybe you're the same as me We see things they'll never see You and I are gonna live forever

The women in the kitchen, of a house, are singing along to the Oasis song on the radio. The two women are Lorelei Wilkinson and Chrissie Latham
Chrissie - I really love this band!
Lorelei - I don't mind Oasis but I prefer Take That, those boys are just so sexy, especially Robbie!
The two of them giggle like schoolgirls
Lorelei - Well I wonder what our daughters are up to now. I hope they aren't up to any mischief again. I know Zoe gets very bored during Weekends
Chrissie - You don't mind Zoe spending so much time with Elizabeth do you? I know Lizzy is a few years older but she does look out for Zoe
Lorelei - Of course I don't mind. They are both good girls. I did have my concerns about Lizzie's boyfriend though...
Chrissie looks fretful
Chrissie - Yes, well I'm also a little bit concerned about Ryan. But if I tell her to keep away from him she will just be even more determined to see him. Anyway, he hasn't really done anything that bad as far as I know
Lorelei (unsure) - Yeah I suppose. But he does like breaking and entering places he should not be
Chrissie - Usually it's only old abandoned places that's all. At least he doesn't break into people's homes and steal or anything. As long as he doesn't take my Elizabeth with him when he goes exploring I don't mind. I would go crazy if she ever did that. Luckily she is a sensible girl and when I told her she must never go with him when he explores she assured me she never will which is a huge relief
Lorelei - Oh good heavens yes. If I ever found out Zoe had done anything like that I'd be so mad I really would

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