Episode 809

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Ann is sitting down with Vern
Vern - You are a very attractive woman Ann, I am glad I joined the dating agency now if this is the type of lady I get to meet
Ann smiles
Ann - Well thank you very much, Vincent, you're not too bad yourself
Vern picks up the bottle of wine
Vern - More wine?
Ann - Yes why not, I got a cab here tonight so can drink as much as I like
Vern - That's what I like to hear
Vern tops up Ann's wine glass
Vern - So...what do you do for a living Ann?
Ann - I recently went back to what I do best, social welfare. I have years of experience in that field
Vern nods his head
Vern - Oh yes, a worthy career path to go down without a doubt
Ann - I do everything I can to help people who need it
Vern - I can tell that you are a very big-hearted person
Ann - And what about you Vincent, what do you do for a living?
Vern - I hate to blow my own trumpet too often Ann, but I am a highly successful businessman, I have my own chain of restaurants similar to this joint we are in right now. I am a very wealthy man living a most comfortable life!
Ann - Lucky you eh!
Vern - Luck did not come into it, simply sheer hard work....but tell me, Ann, what's the point in all that money if you don't have a lovely woman to share it all with?
Vern gives Ann a smile and she smiles back
Ann - So there is no one else in your life at all right now?
Vern - No, not a soul. I am so lonely it hurts.....but I like what I am seeing right now
Vern winks at Ann

Hannah and Lorraine are looking sheepish
Lee - Well? I'm waiting ladies. I need an explanation for what I saw just now
Hannah - Mum and I are close so what? We love each other
Lee - I am close to my mum too and we love each other too but you won't catch us doing what you two were just doing
Lorraine - The love Hannah and I share is a special kind of love. we aren't your typical mother and daughter!
Lee - You don't say! .....So, how did it happen? You just decided one day to start shagging each other?
Hannah - We got curious and decided to experiment
Lorraine - We get bored easily and like to try new things, and when we did try it we liked it more than we thought we would
Hannah - Mum is the best kisser I have ever known!
Lorraine - I could say the same about you darling, a truly awesome and amazing kisser!
Lee - Ok I've heard enough of this now. Any more and I think I will be sick
Lorraine - So now you know, what do you intend to do about it?
Lee - I will have to report it
Hannah - Oh please don't do that, they will probably split us up then
Lorraine - Not to mention what the other women might do to us if they knew about it too
Lee - I have to report it, it's downright dirty and wrong. Mr Moran will split you both up and that's the right thing to do to a pair like you
The two women look distressed
Lorraine - Mr Bailey please don't do that I am begging you
Hannah- We're both begging you
Lorraine - Just keep the secret for us, why report us? We are not hurting anyone else, are we? Why not just leave us alone to get on with it, please?
Lee sighs and looks troubled
Lee - I don't know, I really should report it. It's a serious matter
Hannah - I don't see why really, like mum said, we are not hurting anyone
Lee - Mr Moran would be angry if he knew that I knew and didn't report it
Lorraine - Well we're not about to tell him you know about it, how would anyone ever find out that you know?
Hannah starts to cry
Hannah - Please, I couldn't bear it if they split us up
Lee - Ok..ok I won't report it. But don't think for one minute that I think this is ok. I think it is one of the most disgusting and unnatural things I have ever seen
Lorraine - You're entitled to your opinion Mr Bailey
Lee - One other thing. try not to let anyone else catch you will you, you need to be careful about it. Night patrols are carried out and it won't always be me doing them so have a good think about that
Lorraine - Thanks officer, we will
Lee - Well, I'll leave you both to it then
Lee leaves the cell, clearly looking disgusted

Vern is paying the bill
Vern - May I say what a delightful meal that was, you may congratulate the kitchen staff
Waiter - Thank you, Sir
Ann - Look, Vince, I don't mind paying half the bill. I feel bad letting you pay all of it, it's only fair if we go halves
Vern - Nonsense, I wouldn't hear of it. I am the man and so I should pay on the first date, its what gentleman do
Ann - Well thank you
Vern - And now please allow me to escort you back home safely. I would not let a lady like you wander the streets alone at this time of the night
Ann - You really are a true gentleman!
Vern - I must get straight to the point and ask...would you like to see me again?
Ann smiles and nods her head
Ann - Yes, I think I would. I've had a lovely night
Vern - That's the answer I wanted to hear. I want to see you again too. You've made me a very happy man tonight. I enjoy your company

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