Episode 818

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Janice still looks unsure of what to do

Richard - Jan love, whatever's the matter. You look like you've seen a ghost!
Janice - No, not a ghost dear, just Bea Smith
Richard - Huh?
Janice points over to where Bea and Chloe are walking ahead of them, still oblivious to their presence
Richard looks shocked

Its daytime in Australia and the women are in the Recroom
They seem in high spirits
Judy and Sasha are sitting together
Judy - Well that was quite an impressive fireworks display last night eh gals!
The women all seem to agree
Sasha - I feel we should try and find a way to thank Mr Moran, he has been very kind to us over Christmas and new year, very few prison governors would be this good to us
Judy - I agree love, just not sure what we can really do for him though

Vera knocks on Cassie's bedroom door
Vera - Cassie come on, it's time to get up! I won't have you lying around in bed all day, you need to look for a job again today!
All is silent in Cassie's room
Vera knocks again
Vera - Cassie come on get up now!
Still nothing
Vera loses patience and enters the room looking irate
Vera - Just because you had another wild night last night don't think it means you can...
Vera stops in her tracks
The room is empty and the bed unslept in
Vera looks concerned

Back in London Richard looks at Bea and Chloe in shock
Richard - Bloody small world isn't it, I never in a million years expected to see them here
Janice - Yes, just what we need isn't it
Richard - What are we going to do about it?
Janice - I'm not sure yet
Richard - I suppose we can't really ignore the fact we've seen them can we?
Janice - I think we should follow them and see where they go
Richard - And then what?
Janice - I don't know yet, I will decide when we get there. Come on, let's make sure we don't lose them and try not to let them see us if we can

At Wentworth Vera and Bob are in the staff room
Vera - Any news on Tone?
Bob - Yes I got an update from the hospital this morning, she is on the mend now. No real harm was done
Vera - Well that's a relief, I was worried about her. Still proves what a feral animal Winter is. They really need to catch her soon, scum like her shouldn't be free to roam among decent people
Bob - I don't expect her to stay out for long, they rarely ever do. She'll be caught and be back here soon enough
Vera - If you ask me she should go to Black...
Vera pauses with an embarrassed smile
Vera - I keep forgetting
Bob smiles too
Bob - You're not the only one, I catch myself forgetting for a moment too sometimes
Vera - I find it hard to get my head around the idea that they are going to turn Wentworth into a super-prison
Bob - Yes, I am struggling with it too, but I think we will just have to get used to it because it's going to happen whether we like it or not
Vera sips her coffee and looks troubled
Bob - Is everything ok Vera? I can't help noticing you seem to have something on your mind
Vera smiles
Vera - It's nothing really, it's just that Cassie didn't come home last night. She went out to celebrate the new year and I can't help but worry. But I'm sure she's fine

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now