Episode 777

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Kelly arrives at her cell to find Marina waiting
Kelly (surprised) - Miss Donovan, what a pleasant surprise... and what can I do for you then?
Marina - I'm here to offer you a partnership, you and me together
Kelly - I'm listening?
Marina - I know you want to be the top dog
Kelly - Oh? How did you find that out then?
Marina - I have my ways, Webster...I'm prepared to help you get what you want
Kelly - In return for what?
Marina - In return for you helping me get rid of Powell so I can be governor....then we can get rid of Ferguson too. Run this place together, the pair of us. I'll let you do whatever you want with the women as long as it causes no problems for me. Interested?
Kelly looks to be thinking
Kelly - It's a very good offer miss, but there is just one other condition I want to put to you.
Marina - Go on?
Kelly - You help me get rid of Raymond too
Marina grins
Marina - Come with me, I have someone I think you should meet

Joan is in her cell lying on the bed smoking as Janice arrives
Janice - Joan, I need a word with you
Joan looks disinterested
Joan - Go away, can't you see I'm busy?
Janice - Busy lying there feeling sorry for yourself yes
Joan - How dare you talk to me like that, get out!
Janice - Well it's true, we've all noticed it. All you do is feel sorry for yourself lately
Joan - And with good reason. What have I got to feel happy about? What have I got to look forward to?
Janice - Keep on like this and you won't even be top dog for much longer. Self-pity certainly won't keep you on top around here
Joan doesn't appear to care
Joan - I'm sick of this bloody place. Sick of it all
Janice -- Listen, Joan, I came to warn you about Kelly. You can't trust her you know, she plans to steal top dog from you
Joan - Yes I know
Janice looks surprised
Janice - You know?
Joan - Yes I guessed I'm not stupid I can see through the likes of her
Janice - Well what are you going to do about it?
Joan shrugs
Joan - Who knows?
Janice - Listen Joan I'm doing you a favour here by warning you like this. After you dumped me as a partner for her I don't owe you a thing. But I figure we should work together on this, don't you? Together we'd make a good team
Joan rolls her eyes
Joan - I'm so sick of making deals, and planning how to keep on top in this dump! What's the damn point of any of it anymore?
Janice - Survival Joan, that's the point. We all have to survive in places like this. Us two would be better off sticking together, both being ex screws
Joan - If Webster wants to be the top dog I won't fight her anymore
Janice - Come on Joan, you don't mean that
Joan - Yes I do, I don't care about being the damn top dog anymore
Janice - You told me to pull myself together when a rat was found in my cell, now it seems it's my turn to tell you to pull yourself together
Joan - Just piss off, I won't ask you again

Marina and Kelly are with Dale King
Marina - Kelly meet Dale, Dale meet Kelly
Kelly shakes hands with Dale
Marina - You two should talk
Dale - Why Miss Donovan?
Marina grins
Marina - You both share an enemy, that's why
Kelly - What's your second name, Dale?
Dale - King, why?
Kelly gives a knowing smirk
Kelly - I thought so. Miss Donovan is right Dale, we should talk. I recognize your name, you were set up by Janice Raymond, right?
Dale can barely contain his anger
Dale - That's right, I was. I hate her
Kelly - I hate her too. I figure we should work together to get her, don't you Dale?
They share a grin
Marina - I'll leave you to talk
Marina leaves them alone

Colleen and Geoff are in the office
Geoff - Col, I'm concerned about Latham
Colleen - What about her?
Geoff - I have grave concerns about keeping her in isolation much longer, it seems to be getting to her
Colleen sighs with concern
Colleen - Yes Geoff it worries me too believe me. But what can I do? If I let her among the women they will kill her because of her crime
Geoff nods his head
Geoff - Yes I know, it is a worry I agree
Colleen (jokey manner) - Sometimes I wish we could just open the gates and let prisoners like Chrissie go free, that would certainly solve that problem
Geoff laughs
Geoff - Yes I know what you mean Col
Colleen - Anyway Dwyer's replacement is due to visit today
Geoff - Do you have any idea who the person is?
Colleen - Not one, it will be a complete surprise. The department wouldn't tell me much about it, I don't even know if its a man or a woman

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