Episode 804

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Sasha and Martha look pissed off as they are marched off to solitary for flooding the shower room

Martha - This is so unfair, we didn't do it
Sasha - One thing you can be sure of is I will find out who did do it and they will be sorry for landing us in it
Vera - Can't you two put a sock in it? What is it with you people anyway, you, you are incapable of simply owning up to something when you have done it? It's all very silly
They continue on to solitary
Sasha - Solitary is something we all have to experience from time to time in here Marth, it's probably going to do you some good to at least get the first time out of the way now

Its the following day as Toni and Beth are packing to leave the Nunnery
Toni - Well I've had a great time here, I feel sad to leave
Beth looks delighted
Beth - I'm glad you had a good time and I knew you would. It's sad to leave but we can return at any time in the future. We will always be welcomed by Andrea and the other nuns
Toni - Yes I'd like that
Toni looks troubled
Toni - You know though, I can't get past this idea that I saw Sister Mary someplace before
Beth - Do you have any idea where you could have seen her?
Toni shakes her head
Toni - I keep trying to rack my brains...

....Sister Andrea is waiting as they walk out with their suitcases
Toni - Well, thanks for a lovely stay, it's been great
Sister Andrea - Do come again anytime
Toni - We will without hesitation! I've enjoyed it here much more than I thought I would...

..As they are walking to the car, the penny drops for Toni
Toni - Beth I've got it, I remember where I saw her now! She was a prisoner who escaped, I saw her mugshot
Beth (stunned) - Are you sure?
Toni - Oh yes, quite sure. I never met her in person but she was all over the news for a helicopter escape. Everyone who ever met her said she was a nasty sort
Beth - But Sister Mary seemed so nice, are you sure about this?
Toni - Yes, I'm sure it's her...I must inform the police now.....

At Wentworth Sasha and Martha are with Bob in the office
Bob - I hope a night in solitary made you think about such a stupid bit of behavior girls
Martha - We didn't...
Sasha cuts her off
Sasha - Don't bother love, just leave it. They don't believe us and that's it, best we leave it
Bob - I have decided one night in solitary is enough and you can go back to the others this morning, hopefully having learned a lesson from it
Vera looks outraged
Vera - Is that all? They deserve a lot longer. We spent half the night cleaning up the water!
Bob - Yes my decision is made. But any more pranks like that and it will be longer next time
Vera sighs
Vera - Come on, I'll take you both back now

Marie is fuming and red in the face as the police drag her to the car
Sister Andrea follows along shaking her head with dismay
Sister Andrea - I am more disappointed at this situation than words can describe Mary..or indeed Marie as you are really called. This is a massive shame, it truly is. You had so much potential, a truly kind and generous soul
Marie (furious) - Oh shut up you dumb bitch, I was having you on the whole time, using this place for a place to hide from the law
Andrea shakes her head in horror
Andrea - No that can't be true. I know you're a kind person Mary
Marie - Well it is true! And I ain't kind lady! A good actress yes! What better place to hide from the law than in a nunnery?
Officer - We would have caught up with you eventually WInter!
Toni and Beth are stood watching as Marie is dragged to the car
Marie - What are you two bitches looking at? I suppose it was you two who shopped me was it? PAIR OF COWS, IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU
Toni looks fretful
Toni - God I hope she doesn't end up at Wentworth, that would be a disaster!

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now