Episode 800

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It is daylight as Toni sits at her table in her Wentworth uniform, eating her breakfast
The doorbell goes and she goes to answer
Inspector Grace is at the door. along with two uniformed officers
Grace - Good morning Miss William's, I'm sorry to bother you so early in the morning
Toni - Oh that's ok, I was just eating breakfast that's all. How can I help you?
Grace - Could we come in so we can talk, it would be better than talking on the doorstep
Toni - Yes sure
She lets them in
Grace stands and looks around the room
Grace - Are you home alone?
Toni - Yes I am
Grace - We were told that Mrs Clements was staying here.
Toni - Well she was yes, but she moved out yesterday evening
Grace - I see, any idea where she went?
Toni - No inspector none...
Grace - We're looking for her you see
Toni - Oh right, can I ask why?
Grace - We believe that last night she may have committed a very serious crime
Toni - Am I allowed to ask what that crime is?
Grace - Sure, it will be all over the news today anyway. A family was all killed, shot dead in their home. A husband and wife and their teenage son Troy
Toni looks shocked
Toni - How terrible.....well what makes you so sure Sandra was the killer of these poor people?
Grace - Neighbours heard the gunshots and when they bravely went to investigate a woman fitting Clements's description was seen leaving the premises and taking off in a car. They were able to get the number plate and guess what!
Toni nods her head
Toni - Yes...Sandra's number plate, right?
Grace - Right!...frankly it seems like she made no effort to conceal her identity. It almost looks like she does not care about getting caught for this
Toni - Well the woman's clearly not well
Grace- Yes, we know that, that is obvious. So you see it is very important that we try and find her as soon as we can, in case she is planning anything else. If you do have any idea where she is you must tell us now
Toni - I really don't have a clue. If I did I would tell you without a seconds hesitation....for all I know she could be planning to come after me next
Grace looks interested
Grace - Oh really? How come?
Toni sighs
Toni - Oh, well we hardly parted on good terms last night. I am sure she is pretty mad at me and given how unstable she is she could very well be planning to come here and finish me off next. I'm worried now....she could be out there waiting as we speak
Toni indeed looks worried sick at this point
Grace - Are you leaving for Wentworth soon?
Grace - Yes, in a minute
Grace - If it makes you feel any safer we can give you a lift this morning
Toni - Yes, that would help thanks. But what do I do after that? What about when I leave later this evening?
Grace - Well with any luck we will have caught her by then
Toni - And if you haven't?
Grace- If we haven't then I suggest if you've got someone you can go and stay with for a while, ask them if they would be willing to have you. It would be safer than staying here by yourself
Toni nods her head
Toni - Good advice Inspector, thanks
Grace- But try not to worry, we have a nationwide manhunt underway for her
Toni - Nationwide? Do you really think she could have gone interstate?
Grace - Well wouldn't you if you'd just killed people? Well whether she has or not, she can run but she can't hide, at least not forever

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now