Episode 763

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Kath paces the cell with a smirk
Kath - It's time for you both to pay for the damage you have done to my life
Janice is outside in the corridor listening
Kath - I want you both to fight, right here and now
Shirley - Is that all? I've been waiting to lay into her for what she did ever since she got here. She's the one to blame for me being back here, I'll happily fight her and tear her apart limb from limb for what she did
Kath - That's good Shirl, cos I want to winner to kill the loser... I'll set a timer. If you fail to kill her you both die
Shirley - I can kill her no worries
Shanice - You're mad Karen I always knew it. Well, I ain't sticking around for this rubbish!
Shanice tries to leave
Kath - Stop her!
Cassie and Brumby do so
Brumby - Not so fast eh sweetheart
Shanice - Look just let me go will ya!
Kath gets into Shanice's face
Kath - What's wrong Shan? Scared that Shirley will kill you?
Shanice - No way! I can beat her easy
Kath - Really?
Shanice - Course!
Kath - Well now's your chance to prove it
Janice arrives in the doorway
Janice - There ya are Shirl, been looking for you everywhere
Kath - Get lost Raymond, we have business to attend to, private business
Janice - Oh but Shirl and I were going to have a game of pool in the rec room weren't we?
Shirley - Yeah that's right
Shirley begins to leave with Janice, Janice grins at Kath
Janice - I'm so sorry to interrupt your business Maxwell, I hope it wasn't too important.
Kath looks angry but keeps cool
Kath - It can keep.....
As Janice and Shirley are leaving Bea arrives in the doorway blocking their exit
Bea - But this can't
Bea glares angrily around the room

Vera is with Sandra
Vera - So Smith is back on H block
Sandra - How did she seem to you?
Vera - A bit subdued, unusual for her
Sandra - Would you say she'll be out to cause more trouble?
Vera - Well knowing Smith she won't let being hit over the head like that pass without doing something
Sandra - Well I warned her I do not wish to see Leanne getting hurt anymore so if she ignores me then woe betide her!
Vera - Well naturally I will keep my eye on the situation
Sandra - Yes you do that Miss Bennett

Bea stands in the doorway with a face like thunder
Janice - Yes well Shirl and I were just leaving
Janice and Shirley try to leave the room but Bea prevents them
Bea - No you can stay right where you are, all of you
Shirley - Why? You've come for Kath, right? What's that got to do with us?
Bea - True I've come for Maxwell and I will deal with her in good time
Bea gives Kath a look, Kath stands calm
Bea - But I want to talk to you all first
Bea looks at Janice
Bea - You're an ex screw and I don't like you or trust you
Janice - Thanks for telling me, at least we know where we stand...
Bea - I will be keeping an eye on you Raymond, a close eye
Bea looks at Shirley
Bea - And I will be keeping an eye on you too. I don't like or trust you either and even less so since you choose to make friends with an ex screw bitch
Shirley grins
Shirley - If you don't like me I really can live with that Smith
Bea - Ok get lost the pair of you, I've said all I wanted to say
Janice and Shirley leave, giggling like a pair of schoolgirls as they leave
Bea looks at Brumby and Cassie
Bea - A right pair of troublemakers you two aren't ya? Remind me of Gaffney and Peterson, can't be trusted
Cassie - So?
Bea - So I'll be keeping my eyes on the pair of you
Brumby - Yeah? Big deal, you ain't top dog are ya, Kath is
Bea - Thanks for reminding me Tucker...ok get lost the pair of you
Brumby and Cassie leave the room
Bea closes the cell door behind them and looks at Kath and Cheryl
Bea - just the three of us now.....

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now