Episode 770

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Dwyer bows his head and looks at Geoff sheepishly
Dwyer - This is most regretful Mr Carlson, but I am sorry to say I must relieve you of your duties
Colleen (furious)- Now hang on a minute!
Dwyer - I'm sorry but Marina is quite right, you are a threat to security with that prosthetic leg, today's events have proved that
Colleen - If Geoff goes I go
Dwyer and Geoff look surprised, and Marina looks delighted
Dwyer - Now come on Mrs Powell don't be silly
Geoff - Yes love, don't be silly about this, you're a fantastic governor
Colleen - No I mean it, if Geoff goes I go too
Dwyer - Now look perhaps we can discuss this sensibly?
Geoff - Perhaps Col and I will go to the union too, about unfair dismissal?
Colleen - Yes we could even get the officers out on strike on that one
Dwyer looks angry
Dwyer - Now look here! No one is even dismissing you, Powell, you're threatening to quit all on your own
Colleen - Only because you are unfairly dismissing Mr Carlson
Dwyer - Look I don't want to, Geoff has always been a fantastic officer. But this most serious of incidence cannot be ignored
Colleen - Well I believe Geoff when he says Marina set this up
Marina Accusations without proof!
Colleen - Geoff's word is enough proof to me. Geoff is not a liar
Marina - Oh and I am?
Colleen - Frankly yes
Marina looks outraged
Marina - Mr Dwyer, are you going to stand there and allow this unacceptable attack on my character?
Dwyer - I suggest we all just calm down here...now I have decided to give you the benefit of the doubt on this occasion Mr Carlson, no dismissal
Colleen and Geoff smile
Marina looks angry
Marina - But Sir!....
Dwyer - The decision has been made Miss Donovan
Marina folds her arms across her chest with annoyance
Dwyer - However I have a suggestion to make to you both
Colleen - Go on?
Dwyer - You both need a break, after what happened with the siege. I propose you both take a week's holiday away to any destination of your choice, all expenses paid for by the department...
Dwyer pauses a second with a chuckle
Dwyer - Within Australia only of course, not abroad. Not Florida or anywhere like that you understand!
Geoff - Who will look after this place while we're away?
Dwyer - Marina and Bruce will stand in as acting governor and acting deputy governor
Colleen - Oh I'm not sure that's such a good idea...
Marina - I think it's a fantastic idea, you both need a break from all the stress
Dwyer - Yes, I advise you to accept this offer, the department is very rarely this generous
Geoff - Anywhere we want you say?
Dwyer - Yes within Australia of course
Geoff - Oh of course...
Colleen - You're not thinking of accepting are you?
Geoff - Yes Col I am, I really do need a breakaway. I haven't recovered from Ferguson's siege yet
Colleen - But darling you heard him, he will leave Marina in charge
Marina - Yes and a wise decision too!
Colleen - Well I just don't know...
Geoff - Please love, I do need this break
Colleen pauses a second and then reluctantly nods her head
Colleen - Alright then, we'll accept the offer
Dwyer - Excellent!
Marina smirks
Dwyer - Now you just have to decide where you want to go
Geoff - Well I would have loved to go to Florida....but I guess I'll have to make do with Tasmania instead
Dwyer Tasmania it is! I'll have you booked on a flight tonight
Geoff - Yes well we won't be going anywhere unless my leg is found soon...

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