Episode 736

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A new prisoner is brought into reception. Colleen is on duty in reception and takes the charge sheet
Colleen (to the officer) Thanks
The miserable-looking officer grunts and nods his head curtly before leaving
Colleen - Stand on the white line, please
The prisoner does as she is told
Colleen - Your name is Louise Cunningham and you have been sentenced to......
Colleen looks shocked
Colleen - Is this correct?
Colleen shows Louise the charge sheet, she nods her head
Louise - Yup, looks about right to me
Colleen - And this, other bit, is correct too?
Louise - Yup...got a problem with it have you?
Colleen - Not particularly, it's a shock that's all. I'd never have guessed it to look at you 

Brumby is still with Kate
Kate - You had better keep to your side of the arrangement too, I can easily blow the lid on this anytime I like. Imagine the trouble you'd be in if the authorities found out.
Brumby - Wouldn't look too good for you either doc.....that you faked the medical reports. My operation to repair my spine was a success and you made a fake report
Kate - That may be so but it still wouldn't do you any favors. The prisoners too would probably be mad at you, what do you think? Then there's your friend Andrea, she would be in a lot of trouble too
Brumby shrugs
Kate - So I hope you have something more for me next time I see you, you really must learn to try harder Michelle
Brumby - I said I'll get Winter fixed for ya and I will
Kate - Yes but when? I seem to be waiting an awfully long time, it's not good enough Michelle. Sandy is getting impatient
Brumby - These things take time....and she is in a different prison from me ya know, which makes it harder
Kate - Perhaps it's time you had yourself moved back to Blackmoor then?
Brumby looks horrified
Brumby - That hell hole? There is absolutely no way I'm going back there
Kate - As you wish....but don't let me down. Don't let Sandy down, there's a good girl

Inspector Grace is with Tess in some woodlands
Tess is standing apparently staring into space. Grace looks impatient
Grace - Look Girly I warned you not to waste my time!
Tess - I'm not! I'm trying to remember where it was we buried her, it was a while ago now you know and I just need to get my bearings
Grace - Fair enough, just try not to take all bloody day about it 

Sally and Chloe are at Joan's house. Sally is rolling a joint
Chloe - Nice place ya got here
Sally - Yes not bad is it, sadly it doesn't belong to me, I'm just the lodger
Chloe - Where is the owner right now?
Sally - Just out...
Chloe - Does she mind you using her place to smoke like this?
Sally - Nah, she's very laid back
Sally lights the joint takes a deep drag and then hands it to Chloe
Sally - Have a puff on that girl
Chloe - Thanks, Joan.....

Bea is in reception on the phone
Bea - I want you to come today Thelma...I don't care what you want or don't want just get here! It's very important

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now