Episode 741

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The two police officers have split up the fight between Jim and Des
Policeman 1 - Fighting like this really? Aren't you both a little old for this type of schoolboy carry-on?
Policeman 1 looks at Jim
Policeman 1 - Is this correct Sir?
Policeman 2 - Please allow the gentleman to answer for himself Mr Battersby
Shanice scoffs
Shanice - Gentleman? You've gotta be kidding, Jimbo is just a thug who smashes up other people's property for no good reason! Ever thought of taking some anger management, Jimbo? You sure could use some!
Policeman 2 - Please Mrs Battersby...
Jim - Yes it's true I smashed their stereo, but only so I could get a bit of peace! They kept us awake last night with their racket and I can't have another night without sleep
Shanice - You're just a stick in the mud, Jimbo! No one else complains!
Policeman 2 - Actually madam they do...we've had complaints from several other people about the noise
Des - Bleeding miserable mongrels! Not one of them has the guts to come here and complain to our faces, they have to tell tales to the pigs behind our backs
Kath chips in from the other side of the fence
Kath - We had the guts to complain to your faces and it was quite obvious you had no intentions to take any notice of us
Shanice - Oh rubbish Karen! We invited you to join us, you can't say much fairer than that can you?
Des - Yeah and I bet you rang the pigs before you came to the fence too
Shanice - Yeah! I bet you're right too Des!
Kath - We didn't! We came to try and talk calmly to you
Shanice - Well I want to know what will happen about our stereo! Jimbo shouldn't be allowed to get away with this!

Exterior shot of Kath and Jim's in daylight
Inside Kath is sat alone at the table playing with a bowl of porridge, the phone rings and she snatches it up quickly
Kath - Jim? Is that you?...oh thank god, what's happening?.....

.....Jim is on the other end
Jim - They are releasing me on bail
Kath - On bail?
Jim - Yes, they have charged me
Kath - Oh god, what will happen now?
Jim - Nothing, for now, I have to attend court on the 18th. I can't worry about that too much right now, I just need to get to work quickly, I'm already late. Can you come to the station and pick me up, and bring my suit, please?
Kath - Yes, of course, I'll come right away

Shanice and Des are sitting in their lounge both smoking
Shanice - I bet the lousy mongrel will get off with a caution or something
Des - He better not! No one smashes our property and gets away with it! He should at least be ordered to pay us some bleeding compo!
Shanice - Yes too bleeding right!
Des - Anyway love it's time I was off to work
Shanice - I'm so proud of you for getting a job, Des!
Des - Said I would didn't i

Kath is driving Jim to work
Kath - Did you manage to get some sleep in the end?
Jim - Yes a little, the bed was very uncomfortable
Kath - Yes, I sympathize entirely...
Jim - I can't believe they arrested me but not that pair! Where is the damn justice in this country?
Kath - Oh I sympathize entirely there too! I had to serve 12 months before I got any justice .....you shouldn't have done that though Jim
Jim - I was fed up, I just lost it
Kath - I know and I don't blame you, but look at the mess we're in now. This won't help anything
Jim - Yes I know love
Kath - We'll have to buy them a new stereo
Jim looks outraged
Jim - Why the hell should we? They showed us no consideration, they asked for it to get smashed up!
Kath - Look love I agree with you, I really do. But you've got to go to court over this, it will look good for you if we have been shown to replace the damaged stereo....plus despite what's happened I still want to try and get on with them if we can
Jim sighs
Jim - As usual you're right
Kath pulls up outside the gates
Jim - Thanks love, you've been a great help this morning, I'll see you at home later
Kath - Erm actually Jim, I was wondering if I could come in with you if that's alright? There's someone I want to see
Jim looks surprised
Jim - Who do you want to see?
Kath - Don't worry I just want to see g'day to Cheryl
Jim - You must never tell her about us, remember that
Kath - Don't worry I won't
Jim - And that other favor I did you, you must never tell anyone it was me who gave you that address either
Kath - I said I won't Jim...you have to trust me
Jim - I do trust you, love, I'm sorry if it seems like I don't, I just worry too much that's all
Kath - You don't mind if I keep the car for the day do you?
Jim - no love that's fine, I'm sure it won't hurt me to get the bus just this once

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