Episode 771

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The nightclub was packed with people. Young clubbers are out for a good time. The skinny young woman was wearing a leather jacket and a short skirt as she walked through the crowded club. Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder was blasting out, sung by the live Stevie Wonder tribute band on the stage. They were good but of course not as good as the legend himself

She stood at the bar and ordered a drink
She looked around the club, an old building, wooden. Not many exits and very very overcrowded.
The woman spoke to the bartender
Woman - Packed in here
Bartender chuckles
Bartender - It always is love.
The woman - I have never been here before but someone recommended it to me because I love live music
bartender - Yes we have live music every night. Mostly tribute bands or local unknown bands but occasionally we get a big-name act here and when that happens the place is packed!
The woman - What even more so than it is tonight?
Bartender - Oh yes, this is nothing compared to how packed it is if we get a big-name band in

....In an office out the back a woman is sitting doing some paperwork when the phone ring, she answers
The woman - The box nightclub, Bernice speaking. How may I help you....oh it's you Mr Wilton
Bernice rolls her eyes
Bernice - Yes....yes I know....oh get a life Mr Wilton!
Bernice slams the phone down


Chrissie turns to the man with her
Chrissie - Cheers for the drink darling but I have to dash now ok
The man - But I thought we were spending the night together
Chrissie - Yeah well we bleeding well aren't ok
Chrissie gets up to go
The man - You bitch, I've been buying you drinks all evening!
Chrissie - Yeah well I'm sorry...
Chrissie grabs the handles to Charlotte's pram and begins to rush out
The man calls after her
Colleen gets out of her seat and runs out after Chrissie
Geoff returns to his table with the drinks
Geoff - Here you go Col...
Geoff notices Colleen isn't there

Chrissie is rushing up the road as Colleen runs after her
Colleen - LATHAM STOP!
Chrissie -BUGGER OFF!
Colleen grabs Chrissie's arm
Colleen - You're on the run with a stolen baby Latham, I have a duty to act on this
Chrissie - Can't you just pretend you haven't seen me?
Colleen - I can't do that, I think you know know that
Chrissie - Look Mrs Powell, everything's working out well for me, please don't mess it up
Colleen - Working out well, really?
Chrissie - Yeah, really
Colleen - Funny that because I would say you're on the game again to get by
Chrissie - Well so what if I am?
Colleen - You really think it's fair to take a baby along to a pub with you while you find business? Is that the environment for a baby?
Chrissie - Yeah well I ain't got no one I can leave her with have i? Look I know it's not ideal but I love Charlotte, I'm doing it so I can provide for her, for us both
Colleen - And what about Kath Maxwell, have you thought about how she feels being separated from her child?
Chrissie pulls a face of disgust
Chrissie - That rotten bitch don't care
Colleen - You don't know that Chrissie
Chrissie - Yeah I do, she told me she didn't want Charlotte
Colleen - She probably just needed time to bond with the child
Chrissie - Bull! She's a cold bitch who doesn't even deserve another child anyway
Colleen - However, you feel you have no right to steal someone else's child
Chrissie looks bitter
Chrissie - Didn't stop Neil from stealing my child did it
Colleen bows her head in sadness
Colleen - Look, Chrissie, I know you miss Elizabeth...
Chrissie cuts her off angrily
Chrissie - Too bleeding right I do! But it's ok now because I have Charlotte...please Mrs Powell I'm begging you, don't take her away from me. Don't turn me in, please
Colleen - I have to, I'm sorry...
Chrissie - You were there when Neil killed my baby, you saw what it did to me. Are you really going to put me through the loss of a second child?
Colleen - She's not your child, that's the point I keep making
Chrissie - I can give her a better life than Maxwell ever could
Colleen - Yeah, taking her to the pub to meet clients with you...
Chrissie - I can give her love can't I? Eventually, I'll get myself sorted out then I won't need to do this anymore
Colleen looks deeply troubled
Colleen - This is very difficult Chrissie, believe me, I take no pleasure out of it...
Chrissie - If you turn me in that's it I'm going to kill myself, I can't take the pain of losing a child a second time
Colleen - Well where are you living? Is it suitable for a child?
Chrissie - Yes, it is. I can take you there if you like. It's only up the road
Colleen looks back towards the pub looking unsure
Colleen - Geoff is....erm, ok then, as long as we're quick
They walk up the road

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