Episode 795

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Jim is sitting in a chair looking distressed
Jim - What a mess! What a bloody mess
Cheryl - What are we going to do now?
Jim rubs his hand across his forehead
Jim - I wish I knew, Geoff wants another 10 grand now. How am I going to get that when I can't even get the money he already wanted? This really is a mess!
Cheryl - We have to get the police now Jim, this is what we should have done from the start
Jim - I could sell the house...and the car. That would get a considerable amount of the money
Jim shakes his head in despair
Jim - But even then it still wouldn't be enough
Cheryl - Yes and you, Kath, and the twins will be left without a home as well no money. Think about it, will being homeless really help Kath?
Jim (annoyed) - I am trying to work out how to save her life and rescue her from a psychopath right now
Cheryl - I know but selling the house and the car isn't the answer. You said yourself that even after that you will still be short, only you'll all be homeless too with no money because you've given it all to Butler. It's simply not the answer and you know it
Jim - Then what is the answer, tell me that.
Cheryl - I already told you plenty of times, we need to get the police involved
Jim looks at Cheryl
Jim - It's dangerous can't you see? Butler made it clear that I mustn't get them involved
Cheryl - It's the only answer. we should have got them involved right from the start. They will know how to deal with this
Jim - Yes and if that bastard finds out they are involved that will be it, he will kill the three of them
Cheryl - There is nothing else we can do now and you know it
Jim nods his head
Jim - Yes I know, of course, I know. There is no way I am ever going to get all of the money he is asking for, I have no idea how he can even think I would be able to
Cheryl - He is greedy and clearly not right in the head, you can't expect him to be reasonable about it. That's why we need help from the police. We tried to handle it ourselves, but it didn't work so now its time to accept some help from people who know what they are doing 

The governor's office
Sue is doing paperwork when there is a knock at the door
Sue - Come in
Vera enters
Vera - How are you settling in behind that desk?
Sue - Great thanks, it feels good to be here
Vera - I bet....did you tell your husband?
Sue - I did, I phoned him at work. He was thrilled!
Vera - Yes I can imagine he was, think of the salary increase!
Sue - I hate to sound pessimistic, but I can't help wondering now when I will have my first crisis to deal with. it's bound to happen sooner or later
Vera - And when it does you will handle it perfectly well
Sue -  You reckon so?
Vera - Yes of course and we will all support you
Sue - Thanks Vera
Suddenly an unknown officer bursts in without knocking
Officer - Governor I'm sorry to burst in like this but there has been a serious incident on C Block! One of the women has been murdered, found with her throat slashed in her cell!
Vera and Sue look shocked
Sue - I think I am just about to find out how I will cope with my first crisis Vera
Vera turns to the officer
Vera - Which Prisoner was it?

Back with Jim and Cheryl
Cheryl - So what are we going to do Jim?
Jim - We're going to get the police in just as you say. I know we have to now, there are no other options left
Cheryl looks relieved
Cheryl -I am glad you realize that now Jim. I feel this is our only hope for getting them all back safely now
Jim - Well I certainly can't raise another £105 grand, it's just not possible...I just hope Geoff isn't having us spied on because if he is and he realizes he will lose it
Cheryl - I can call them now, and explain the situation. They will arrange to meet us carefully. They are trained to deal with these types of situations
Suddenly there is a knock at the door
Jim and Cheryl exchange a look
Cheryl - Expecting anyone?
Jim - No...
Cheryl rolls her eyes
Cheryl - I bet it's that stupid old fart Ron again!
Jim sighs
Jim - Yes probably.. I'll go and see what he wants
Jim goes to the door and is shocked by who is there
Helen Smart is there with Alicia

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