Episode 786

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 A taxi pulls up outside Shanice's and Shanice steps out carrying her suitcases

Mark is inside the house watching tv as Shanice arrives through the front door
Shanice - Oh ello, you must be Mark
Mark jumps up in surprise
Mark - Hi, who are you?
Shanice chuckles
Shanice - I'm Shanice darling, this is my house
Mark - Oh...I thought you were banged up.
Shanice - I was. I got let out today
Mark - Kyle never said anything. I would have tidied up ready for you if I had known you were coming
Shanice - Kyle wouldn't have said anything because he didn't know anything. I wanted to surprise my lovely boy....where is he? I've been so excited to see him!
Mark - He is not here at the moment, I'm not sure where he went or when he'll be back
Shanice looks disappointed
Shanice -Oh right.....oh well I guess I'll just have to wait for him to get back
Mark - Can I make you a cup of tea or something?
Shanice - Yes that would be lovely cheers, young fella!
Mark - It's the least I can do while I am a guest in your home
Shanice - Ah yeah, we will need to talk about that
Mark looks fretful
Mark - I guess you want me to leave right? Well that's fair enough Mrs Battersby
Shanice laughs and shakes her head
Shanice - No no no my love, you are welcome to stay
Mark - Oh thank you Mrs Battersby
Shanice - But we must make an arrangement regarding rent as you will not be staying here for nothing
Mark - Ah I see...
Shanice - A problem with that?
Mark - Oh no, of course, it's totally fair Mrs Battersby. It's just....well...I am unemployed
Shanice - So get out and find something or find somewhere else to stay lad!
Mark - Yes Mrs Battersby
Shanice looks at the clock
Shanice - Oh I do hope my lovely baby boy will return soon, I want to see him and give him a big hug!

Kyle is sitting in a posh restaurant.....with Sandra
She hands him a box-shaped item in wrapping paper
Sandra - I got you a little gift, Kyle
Kyle - Oh Mrs Clements, you didn't need to do that
Sandra - I wanted to...go on unwrap it
Kyle does so. It is a bottle of Cologne
Sandra - I used to buy this for Darren...and Troy
Kyle - Thanks, it's well cool
Sandra - I like a young man who smells good Kyle
Kyle -Yeah course
Sandra - Tell me how you're getting on with fixing Maxwell.
Kyle - Since I made her lose her job I am stuck with what to do next, please don't be angry Mrs Clements
Sandra smiles and touches Kyle's hand
Sandra - Of course, I'm not angry Kyle, I understand it's hard to come up with ideas, Maybe together we can make plans
Kyle - Yes I'd like that, I bet you have some good ideas for Maxwell
Sandra - Yes of course I do
Kyle - You are a smart woman Mrs Clements, I respect that
Sandra - Perhaps we can stop with the Mrs Clements now...you may call me Sandra
Kyle - Oh ok then Sandra, cheers
Sandra - I booked us a hotel room so that we can get more comfortable...would you like that?
Kyle - Yeah sure.....
Sandra - Good boy, let's finish here and get off shall we

Bob is at Kath's front door as Jim answers
Jim - Bob? How nice to see you mate..come in
They go inside
Jim - I haven't seen you for a while, you are always welcome here you know, no need to stay away for so long next time
Bob - Yes I know. Kath told me you haven't been too well lately.
Jim - I'm fine mate really, Kath just worries too much
Jim opens the fridge and takes two beers out
Jim - If I know you, you won't say no to a beer
Bob smiles
Bob - You know me too well
Jim hands him his beer and opens his own
Bob - Is Kath around? I need to speak to her
Jim - Yes she's in the garden...go on out and see her. She'll be pleased to see you 

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