Episode 779

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Marina takes a seat
Marina - The first condition is I want the governor's job. I want Powell gone and you're going to help me
Roo - I dunno sweetheart. Powell treats us pretty decently, you don't. Why should I help you achieve something that will only mean our lives here will be even more miserable?
Marina - Because if you're my top dog, if you're working for me and helping me you'll be looked after. It's the other women who will suffer and you surely can't tell me you care that much about any of them?
Roo puffs on her fag and gives Marina a look

Janice is alone in the hotel room when there is a knock at the door, she opens it and looks surprised
Janice - Dad!
Gordon - Hello Janice
Janice - How did you know I was here?
Gordon - Your mother told me, can I come in so we can talk?
Janice - Yes I suppose so
She lets him in

Richard is alone in his office at Wentworth as Sandra arrives in the doorway
Sandra - Miss Bennett told me that you wanted to see me, dear?
Richard glares at her with sheer anger and hatred on his face
Richard -Yes, come in and close the door
Sandra steps inside

Marina - Well what's it to be Roo? If you're not interested I can always find someone else you know
Roo - I'm not entirely sure I trust you that's all....before today you always said you hated me and wanted me to pay for Sean's death. Now suddenly you want to work with me?
Marina - Maybe I realise that Ferguson was the one to blame not you.....and I made sure she paid!
Marina grins
Roo looks interested
Roo - Yeah? What did you do to her then?
Marina - Never you mind that. Just give me an answer now, yes or no
Roo shrugs
Roo - Yeah ok, why not? I'll work with ya
Marina - A wise choice Morgan

Gordon looks around the hotel room
Gordon - Where is your boyfriend?
Janice - He has gone to work
Gordon - You can't stay here Janice, it's a dump
Janice - Yes well it wouldn't have been my choice, but I lost my flat and I have nowhere else to go
Gordon - Yes your mother told me you've been in prison!
Janice - Oh I bet she did. Never hesitates to run me down...did she tell you I was innocent, I got set up?
Gordon - Yes she did
Janice - At least that's something she didn't lie about then
Gordon -Let me help you out...you and whatever his name is
Janice - His names Richard
Gordon - You can both come and stay with me,
Janice - No thanks, we're ok here
Gordon - But it makes sense...I have that big old house with all those empty rooms and here you both are squashed in here
Janice - Look you weren't there when I needed you before, so why now?
Gordon - I know I let you down but I want to make up for it now
Janice - You stood by to do nothing while mother abused me for years, I used to come to you crying about it and you did nothing
Gordon - I know love, but you know what she's like. She's a dominant woman and knows how to get her own way. I was scared of her too. I know I was a coward and I let you down but I do love you
Janice has tears in her eyes
Janice - I love you too. I tried to hate you but I couldn't quite manage it
Gordon hugs her
Gordon - Then let me help you both now, what do you say?
Janice - I'll have to talk to Richard about it first
Gordon nods his head
Gordon - Fair enough 

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