Episode 756

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Kelly is right up in Louise's face
Louise - How did you find out?
Kelly - That doesn't matter. I want an explanation for why you didn't tell me.
Louise - Why? Does it really matter so much?
Kelly laughs
Kelly - Are you kidding? Of course, it matters. If I had known from the start I would never have touched you. You were born a man you disgusting freak!
Louise - But I'm a woman now, look at me I'm Louise now not Lewis. We make a good team Kel, why does my past have to matter so much?
Kelly suddenly punches Louise in the face, Louise screams out
Kelly - It matters because you disgust me. I feel sick just thinking about it. I feel dirty like I need to wash all the traces of you off my body....scrub away the filth
Louise - You call me a freak but you're a freak yourself!
Kelly - Don't even try it! Whatever I am I was born a woman unlike you!
Vera arrives in the doorway
Vera - Why aren't you two in the laundry where you're supposed to be?
Kelly - Oh I'm sorry Miss Bennett, we needed a chat but I think we've finished now
Vera - Well get back there, I'll not put you on a charge this time
Kelly - You are a good sport, Miss Bennett!
Kelly turns to Louise
Kelly - Let's go shall we
Kelly and Louise leave the cell. Vera watches them go looking suspicious

Ailsa is sat looking stunned
Sandra - Are you ok Slater?
Ailsa - Dead? My little Connie is dead?
Sandra - Yes...I'm sorry believe me
Ailsa - But we finally sorted out our problems, and she had forgiven me. I finally had my granddaughter back
Sandra - I'm so sorry...
Ailsa - What happened to her?
Sandra - Perhaps it's best if you don't know too much about it...
Ailsa - I want to know! I need to know what happened, I need to understand
Sandra - Officer Williams found her with her head smashed in in the showers
Ailsa - Did she slip over then or what?
Sandra - It looks like she was attacked according to Officer Williams
Ailsa - You mean she was murdered? My little Connie was murdered?
Sandra - Well it looks that way yes....of course the police will investigate
Ailsa - I want to see her
Sandra - That's not such a good idea
Ailsa - I want to see her, I have to see her!

The shower block
Connie's body is taken away in a body bag as Grace puffs on a cigarette. The cubicle is covered in blood
Toni is there
Grace - She was definitely murdered, no doubt about that
Toni - What will happen now?
Grace - There will have to be an inquiry. I'll begin by interviewing the women

The Laundry
Leanne arrives
Leanne - Hey I went to visit the toot and the gate was locked at the end of the corridor
Kath - That's unusual, I wonder why
Cheryl is still standing looking freaked out
Kath (lowered voice) - What are you going to do about Kelly?
Cheryl - Confront her of course, I have to
Kelly and Louise arrive
Kath - So you two return at last I see
Kelly - Yeah well Bennett caught us didn't she
Cheryl - What was so important that you had to leave in the first place?
Kelly looks at Louise
Kelly - Shall I tell them or will you?
Louise shakes her head
Louise - Please Kel, don't do this to me...
Kelly - I'll tell them then
Leanne - Tell us what?
Kelly - Louise was...
Louise cuts her off
Louise - I was born a man, I'm transexual
They all look stunned
Kelly -His real name is Lewis ladies
Louise looks at Kelly with anger
Louise - Damn you! My name is Louise now
Kelly - You must all want to know why Lewis kept this from us, why the damn department thought it was acceptable to send a man to a women's prison? I know I want to
Louise - Can you blame me for not telling you when I knew I'd get this kind of reaction?
Kelly looks at her in anger
Kelly - Yes I can. I don't know about the others but I can blame you
Toni arrives in the room
Toni - Ladies you must all stop work and come to the rec room now
Kelly - Why?
Toni - There has been a serious incident. Come on hurry, please

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now