Episode 790

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Bernice eyes up the gun with a smirk
Bernice - That's a fake, I can tell
Pixie - No it isn't it's a real gun!
Bernice shakes her head
Bernice - I know the difference between a fake gun and a real one, that's a fake for sure
Pixie - It's real, honestly it's real
Bernice - So why don't you use it then? Go on shoot me
Pixie - Erm...
Bernice - You can't can you?....come on hand it over!
Pixie - No get lost!
Bernice moves to take the gun and Pixie hits her over the head with it and knocks her out

The rec room
Kelly has been pulled off of Vicki
Judy - What do you think you're doing you crazy bitch!
Kelly - She took me fiver!
Vicki - I never touched it!
Judy - She says she didn't take it, Webster, so back off
Kelly gets into Judy's face in an aggressive way
Kelly - And what will you do if I don't Bryant?
Judy gets into Kelly's face right back
Judy - You'll find out won't you?
Kelly chuckles
Kelly - Think you're tough eh Bryant!
Judy looks around the room
Judy - Hey hang on a minute, where is that bitch Bernice?
Kelly - Oh isn't she here...dear me I guess she sneaked off while you weren't looking eh. Gone to see Pixie I expect
Judy - You bitch!
Judy runs out of the room
Vicki - Look Webster I never took your money you hear that?
Kelly - Oh relax McPherson, no money of mine even went missing did it, I made it up

Bernice is unconscious on the floor as Judy arrives. Pixie is still holding her fake gun
Judy - Pix love, what the hell happened?
Pixie - Oh it was awful Judy! She threatened me with a fake gun! We had a fight and I took the gun from her, she tried to attack me so I had to hit her to protect myself
Pixie starts to cry as Judy comforts her
Pixie - I was so frightened Judy! At first, I thought it was a real gun
Judy - Well you're safe now honey

Meg, Jim, and Kath are sitting around as Greg brings a pot of tea in from the kitchen
Jim - So you think it was Ferguson?
Meg - Yes, who else would it be?
Kath - You should tell the police
Meg (hostile) - When I want your opinion I'll ask for it!
Greg - Meg! There is no need to be like that to Kath
Meg - Yes there is! I would still like to know why you brought her into my home
Jim - The three of us would like to go ahead with the double wedding idea, we think it would be a nice idea
Kath - Yes and a way to build bridges. This bad feeling between us is not good
Meg - Why do you care so much whether we get on or not Maxwell?
Kath - Well for a start Jim is an old friend of yours and I am marrying him so it would be good if we can get on
Meg - Just because I am friends with Jim does not mean I have to like his wife!
Greg - No but it makes things more pleasant doesn't it
Meg - Well I suppose so...
Kath - Yes well secondly I would like you to have some sort of relationship with my twins
Meg -We have been over this, I want nothing to do with Rodney's kids!
Kath - They might be Marty's, you know that
Meg - Yes but the fact is we don't know do we
Kath - I wish we did believe me...but I feel sure they are Marty's. that is what I truly believe in my heart
Meg - How nice for you
Jim - Look Meg, it would mean a lot to me if you could make an effort to get on with Kath...do it for me if not for any other reason
Meg - Well when do you all intend for this wonderful double wedding to take place?
Greg - As soon as possible really
Jim - We can make it a truly special event, invite loads of guests, and have a terrific party afterward
Meg rolls her eyes
Meg - I can see I won't get any peace until I agree to this...so ok let's just do it
Greg hugs her
Greg - It will be a very special day for us all
Kath - And I hope we can start to get on better Meg
Meg gives her a doubtful look
Kath - You should come to mine and Jim's place for a meal tomorrow night so we can discuss the wedding and make plans
Meg - Yes ok, I suppose so

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