Episode 764

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Marina has Joan pinned to the wall
Marina - Do you have any idea what it feels like when you love someone and plan to spend the rest of your life with them and then some rotten bitch comes along and snatches them from you?
Joan - He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time that's all
Marina - My Sean was the gentlest most loving man I ever met
Joan - Yeah as screws go he was pretty decent I must admit
Marina - Yeah I bet. He always told me how he treated you animals decently. I would tell him to be harder on you, I treat you like the filth you are believe me
Joan - Do you?
Marina - Oh yes, and you'll find out just how mean I can be to scum who kill my fiance
Marina moves in on Joan
Kate is listening in the corridor as Joan screams out in pain

Roo is in the governor's office with Colleen
Colleen - How are you, Morgan?
Roo shrugs
Roo - Ok I suppose
Colleen - Your time in the pound is up
Roo - Shame that I was enjoying the peace and quiet
Colleen - Do you have anything to say about the damage you've caused?
Roo =- Like what?
Colleen - Like you're sorry might be a start
Roo (sarcastic and insincere) - I'm sorry
Colleen - I'm well aware that Ferguson was pulling most of the strings but you helped her. Thanks to you Gaffney and Officer Finley are dead and Geoff has lost a leg
Roo looks slightly remorseful
Roo - That was all Fergusons doing, I didn't do any of it...
Colleen - Yes, yes I know. But as I say, you were helping her
Roo - I never thought she'd go as far as she did
Colleen - And when she did what did you do, stand back and let it happen?
Roo - What else could I bloody do? She wouldn't have listened if I had tried to stop her

Joan is sprawled out on the floor as Marina stands over her
Marina - That's just for starters, there's plenty more to come
Marina leaves the cell and finds Kate standing in the corridor
Marina - Yes, what do you want?
Kate smirks calmly
Kate - Nothing, I was just passing time that's all
Marina - Get about your business and forget what you just heard
Kate nods her head
Kate - Yes no problem, I never interfere in business that doesn't concern me
Marina nods her head
Marina - Good
Marina carries on by
Kate enters the cell where Joan is struggling to her feet
Kate - Here let me help you
Kate tries to help but Joan pulls away angrily
Joan - I can manage
Kate - Don't be silly, look at the state of you
Kate goes to help Joan again, but Joan snaps
Joan staggers to her feet and makes her way to the bed, she sits doubled over in pain
Kate - You need a friend
Joan looks at her with a sneer
Joan - Volunteering are ya?
Kate - Yes, why not
Joan - I don't need any friends, least of all you
Kate - Suit yourself, but I could come in useful believe me
Joan looks at her with contempt
Joan - I doubt it
Kate - Come and find me when you change your mind
Kate leaves the cell and Joan sits looking thoughtful

Bruce is in the staffroom as Marina enters
Bruce - Hey I'll make you a coffee, I remember how you like it
Marina - Thanks
Marina takes a seat and lights a cigarette
Bruce makes her coffee and takes it over
Bruce - So, had a go at Ferguson yet?
Marina - I might have, what's it to you?
Bruce - Just want you to know that if you need any help I'm here
Marina - I don't need any help thanks
Bruce - It's just Sean was my best friend you know...
Marina - Yes Bruce I know, shame you didn't do more to help him at the time isn't it
Bruce looks hurt
Bruce - Hey what could I do? Ferguson and Morgan had guns
Marina - You should have done more for him, Bruce, I'm sure you could have
Bruce looks upset
Bruce -There was nothing I could do like I say. You weren't there and you're being way too harsh
Marina softens a little
Marina -Yeah ok, I'm sorry. I'm blaming you when it's Ferguson and Morgan's fault... I'd like to talk to Morgan now
Bruce - Yeah well she was let out of the pound this morning
Marina - They kept her there longer than Ferguson, any idea why? I mean if Ferguson was the ringleader and Morgan was the sidekick why would they leave her in there longer?
Bruce - Apparently she spat in Inspector Grace's face when he went to interview her
Marina - Really? So a feisty one then?
Bruce - Oh yes
Marina - And tell me, Bruce, did she really take a backseat to Ferguson?
Bruce - Well yes...but she egged her on enough
Marina takes a puff on her fag
Marina - Did she?

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