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Sandra Clements has struck out against Bea again with another terrible act of revenge to cause Bea the maximum pain and suffering. Bea is back in Wentworth and the only thing she is living for is to make Sandra suffer, and she isn't the only one...


Bea and Ken are standing in a registry office with Chloe and a few other guests

Registrar - I now pronounce you husband and wife...
Bea and Ken look very happy. Chloe also looks happy
Suddenly a gunman bursts in and opens fire. Everyone screams as Ken, Chloe, the registrar, and the other guests are all shot down. Bea is the last one left standing...

....Later on, a devastated Bea is in a police station
Police officer - Beatrice Alice Smith? The Australian authorities have been after you for months. You will be sent back as soon as possible
Bea is crying
Bea - I don't care about that right now, I need to know about my husband and my granddaughter, are they ok?
Police officer - They are dead, I'm sorry. No one who was shot today survived.
Bea is hysterical
Bea -Oh no, they can't be dead. They were all I had left and we were going to be a family. Ken and I and my lovely granddaughter! They can't be dead! They just can't be!
Police officer - They are, I am so sorry. We have to assume this attack was planned, but it is not clear why you were the only one spared. I should also inform you that the police got a tip-off about you Mrs Smith. Someone knew who you were and where you were
Bea - It's obvious that someone did this to get at me and make me suffer. This whole thing was planned just to get at me...


Sandra Clements is sitting in a room as a man is shown in to see her
Ingleside officer - Your solicitor Mrs Clements, I will leave you alone, you have 30 minutes until I come back
The man - Yes thank you, officer
The man sits down with Sandra
The man - How are you keeping then Sandra?
Sandra - I am ok, I want to know if you did what I asked you to do.
The man - Yes, I tracked her down for you, she was living in London with her granddaughter and her fiance Ken Pearce
Sandra - And I hope you had Chloe killed for me as I asked you to?
The man - Yes Chloe and Mr Pearce are dead, killed on Smith and Pearce's wedding day no less!
Sandra looks delighted
Sandra - And Smith was kept alive so she can truly suffer I hope?
The man - Yes and she is on her way back to Australia as well, she was shopped to the police
Sandra looks even more delighted
Sandra - How excellent


Vera Bennett is on duty in reception as Bea arrives
Vera looks surprised and Bea looks bitter and angry

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now