WENTWORTH HORROR STORY: PART 2 - The Ghosts Of Wentworth

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The kids are exploring the boiler room and shine their torches onto the top of a boiler and Zoe screams
Ryan - Zoe will you stop screaming?
Zoe - But I thought I saw the face of a woman staring down at me from on top of the boiler!
Ryan - Do not be so ridiculous!

Lori and Chrissie are sitting down together. Lori looks worried
Lori - I think the three of them went to the prison to explore. I'm extremely worried now, it might not be safe in there
Chrissie - Look we don't know for sure that they went there, do we? Come on Lori, Love, calm down eh
Lori - I can't calm down., I'm worried for Zoe's safety
Chrissie - Even if they did go there, I am sure Ryan and Lizzie will look after her. They aren't bad kids Lori; they just get bored and like an adventure that's all
Lori - Well I think we should go there and find them right now
Chrissie - Oh don't be so bleeding ridiculous. I am not going there right now in the middle of the night, that would be very creepy. It might be a total waste of time if the kids aren't even there
Lori - Then we should call the police and ask them to go and look. I would rather do something than just sit here waiting and doing nothing
Chrissie -Let's just wait for them to come back, eh? No need to worry the police over it
Lori -Well when Zoe gets back, she's grounded for at least a month!

Elizabeth, Ryan, and Zoe are walking around in the dark with their torches. Ryan finds a light switch and tries it. To their surprise, the power comes on
Ryan - It always amazes me when we go into these places and the power is still on. Makes it so much easier to see what we are doing now...

...They walk along one of the dimly lit corridors. The lights are off in the cells and Ryan shines his torch into the dark cells and looks around. The cells still have stuff in them
They go into a cell and Elizabeth picks up a drawing


Elizabeth - Hey look at this drawing. It looks like a child drew it. How old were the inmates in here again?
The other two laugh
Ryan finds a pile of comics on the bedside table and picks them up
Ryan - Captain Marvelous. Someone in here really liked comics...

...Kath is sleeping and appears to be having a bad dream. She is thrashing around in distress
Merle Jones appears as a ghostly figure in front of Kath
Merle - I hate you Kath I hate you!
Kath is crying
Kath - Merle please don't say that. You know I can't bear it when you're like this. I love you Merle you're my dearest friend
Merle - You didn't protect me from the demon, you promised you would and you failed!
Kath - I tried my best Merle I swear
Merle - Yeah well it wasn't good enough and that's why I hate you and I will never forgive you
Kath is sobbing
Kath - Merle please I'm sorry
Merle fades away and disappears into darkness and Kath screams and sobs in despair

The three kids have found the kitchen and are looking around
Zoe opens a drawer and picks up a folder and reads what is written on the front


She opens the book and starts flicking through the pages of homemade recipes
Zoe - '' Pringle pudding'' and ''Joyce's delight'' Who the hell was this nerd Mervin with his stupid recipes?
The other two giggle
Elizabeth - What I find interesting about this place is that so much was left behind. It seemed like everyone left in a hurry
Ryan - Well if any of what that Alice bird said is true then I guess they probably did leave in a hurry. I mean I wouldn't want to stick around either
Elizabeth - Yeah but it can't be true what She said surely? It's so far fetched
Ryan - Well I didn't believe her at first but I am starting to wonder now. There is something weird about this place.
Zoe - Come on let's carry on exploring. I'm bored in the kitchen now
They move out into the dining room and stand in shock at the grim sight. The dining room is heavily fire damaged
Ryan - Ok so it looks like there was a fire in this room but it was contained in here, it didn't spread further than here...

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