Episode 745

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Kath is still with Cheryl
Cheryl - If I could get out of this damn place I'd be round there in a flash to tell Vicki to get the hell away from there. As it is I'm stuck here and can't do much from here
Kath - Yes I know
Cheryl - I'm glad you've told me though, I can have a think and try to come up with something we can do.....maybe we can send the conquerors around to give this William dude a warning?
Kath - It's a nice idea Cheryl and frankly very tempting but I think it would only make things ten times worse. William would be angry and probably take it out on Vic even more
Cheryl - Hell yeah you're right...damn it I wish you could get Vic in here for a visit with me, I'd soon talk some sense into her
Kath - I know you would, but she wouldn't even speak to me on her doorstep I don't think I could get her in here to speak to you
Cheryl - Maybe we could....no no forget it it's a horrible idea
Kath - No go on, what is it?
Cheryl - Maybe we could set her up to come back here? That way we'd get her away from him and I could try to talk sense into her to stay away from him when she gets out again
Kath - Oh I don't think we could do that Cheryl...
Cheryl - No I agree, it was a horrible idea. Forget I said anything
Kath - Perhaps the only thing I can do is keep on going to see her, no matter how many times she sends me away or William sends me away I will be persistent

Ann is sitting in an interview room as Grace enters
Grace - Well Mrs Reynolds, had some time to have a think? Ready to tell me the truth yet?
Ann (hostile) - I already told you the truth. I know nothing about this, my car was stolen
Grace - Your car has been examined, and there was no sign of the door being forced. Whoever was driving your car at the time of the accident used the keys...the same keys you still had in your possession.
Ann looks confused
Ann - I don't understand this!
Grace - Perhaps you had too much to drink did you? You were celebrating your son's release from prison? You had a good reason to be happy and want to celebrate, I understand totally
Ann - I would never drink and drive, no matter how happy I was. Your suggestion that I would offend me deeply
Grace - Most hit and runs occur when someone is drunk behind the wheel. They panic afterward, and try to cover their tracks. Believe me, Mrs Reynolds the best thing to do is own up now. The courts won't go too harsh on you, it was an accident. You'll probably only go down for a year or two...
Ann suddenly looks horrified, like she has just realized something
Ann - Oh my god it must have been Jenny!
Grace - Pardon?
Ann - Jenny took the car! My god I thought she was acting strangely when I told her it had been stolen, she looked shifty
Grace - I see so now you're telling me Hartley took the car?
Ann - Yes it must have been her, that's the only explanation I can think of. She had been drinking yesterday, she was very drunk when I went to bed last night, I left my car keys on the table and she must have taken them
Grace -And why would she do that?
Ann - I don't know. Maybe she ran out of alcohol and went out to buy some more
Grace - That would be pretty dumb, wouldn't it? She has only just been released and by all accounts, she couldn't get out of there quickly enough. When I saw her in there she looked a mess too, she clearly hated the place. Why would she put herself in a situation where she will end up straight back in there?
Ann - People do stupid things when their judgment is impaired by alcohol, you know that as well as I do inspector

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