Episode 737

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Brumby sits back down in her wheelchair
Pauline - It's a bit pointless getting back into that thing now Michelle, I saw you standing up and moving around
Brumby - So I still have to stay in it in case someone else comes in, I can't risk anyone else finding out the truth
Pauline looks disgusted
Pauline - Just how long do you intend to keep the lie going for?
Brumby - However long it takes to get what I want
Pauline - Which is a release I suppose?...and the amnesia that's all a lie to get a release too?
Brumby shrugs
Brumby - Suppose so but not just that
Pauline - What else then?
Brumby grins
Brumby - If you must know I get a kick out of making the likes of you and Hagen and Roo run around after me seeing to my every need. I get a kick out of people feeling sorry for me, I even got Raymond to feel sorry for me and that's not easy, she's a hard bitch. I love the attention, for years people have treated me like something they dug off their shoes and now at last I get treated kindly, made a fuss of
Pauline - So even when Morgan put you in the skip and you could have died...even when Patterson threw you down the stairs and bashed you you still kept still and pretended you were paralyzed?
Brumby - I can take a bashing, had plenty of those. what Patterson did to me was mild and I got plenty of sympathy and attention over it
Pauline - And being tied up and put in the skip? Being crushed to death was appealing was it?
Brumby - Yeah well the skip thing, I didn't know Slater would leave me in there that long, I thought she'd come and let me out after a few hours. if I'd known I would have had to blow my cover I guess...anyway it was while I was in the skip I dreamed up the amnesia story
Pauline - Hang on! Slater put you in the skip? You said Morgan did it?
Brumby - Yeah...I hate Morgan more than Slater so I lied
Pauline - So you let her take the blame for something she didn't do?
Brumby - She did throw me from a moving car remember! I very nearly was paralyzed for real, I had to have an operation and it could have gone one way or the other
Pauline - Yes well the fact remains it was a success and you've lied to everyone for months, frankly I am ashamed of you
Brumby - Big deal! I still hate you as much as I ever did, I had to pretend otherwise to fit in with the amnesia...I had to pretend I had forgotten how I feel for you
Pauline - You have to tell the truth now Michelle
Brumby - No! no way!...and if you blow my cover I'll hate you for life
Pauline - You already hate me for life anyway...
Pauline turns to go
Brumby - Mum! Please don't tell anyone! Please!
Pauline leaves the rec room

Janice runs out of the family court with tears streaming down her face. Eileen and Maureen emerge a moment later and watch as Janice gets in her car and speeds away
Maureen - So we got what we achieved then..... permanent ban until Tommy is 18!
Eileen looks delighted
Eileen - I am delighted with this outcome. Now Janice will finally get the punishment she dearly deserves for all her wrongdoing

Pauline is standing in front of Vera
Pauline - I can't be her carer anymore Miss Bennett
Vera - Really? And may I ask what brought this on? You always seemed very keen before
Pauline - Now I've changed my mind, she abuses me all day long and enough is enough, she may be my daughter but even I have a limit on what I can take from her
Vera - Who would you suggest takes over as her carer?
Pauline - Kelly Webster...I think she is the most appropriate choice
Vera - Very well I can ask her if she'll be willing to do it...can I take it you wish to move cells too?
Pauline - Yes, please
Vera sighs
Vera - I wish you women would realize that this is not a hotel
Pauline - Yes well Michelle's dorm is only a two-bed dorm, if Kelly takes over as her carer there will not be room for three of us in that cell
Vera -Fair enough, point taken. Just don't expect me to make a habit of allowing this
Pauline - I won't....oh Miss Bennett I wanted to ask is there any news on my sentencing date?
Vera - Yes, as a matter of fact, I was going to see you today about it anyway. Your sentencing hearing is set for tomorrow morning
Pauline - Oh that's perfect timing, I hear it will be easier for me to put in for a transfer then?
Vera - Yes convicted and sentenced prisoners have more rights to ask for a transfer than remand prisoners do....thinking of leaving us are you?
Pauline - I feel it may be for the best if I'm not in the same prison as Michelle
Vera - For once I happen to agree...I dislike family members being in the same prison, it's always a recipe for trouble

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now