Episode 704

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All hell has broken out on the roof as the men attack the women. Malcolm and other officers charge up to try and break the fight up, they have weapons. Down below the media are filming the events.

The visiting room.

Other officers are now present. Derek's body has been covered up.

Chrissie is sitting cradling Elizabeth's body. Neil is being led away in handcuffs

Neil - She's free now Chrissie...she's free, don't you see it's all for the best?

Chrissie looks at Neil in stunned silence. Neil gives Chrissie a smile as he is led away

Colleen kneels beside Chrissie

Colleen - Come on Chrissie...

She gently moves Chrissie away from Elizabeth's body

Chrissie - She's my baby Mrs. Powell...she's my baby girl, I have to be with her

Colleen (soft gentle voice) - C'mon I'll take you to see the sister, see what she can give you to help you feel better ok?

Chrissie - I don't want to feel better! I want my baby!

 Colleen leads Chrissie away

Chrissie turns hysterical

Chrissie - NO I WANT MY BABY!!!! I WANT MY BABY GIRL!!!!!!

On the roof, Malcolm releases some tear gas which subdues half of the prisoners. Stud tries to attack the woman with his razor blade but Cheryl gives him a kick in the face and he falls over dropping the razor blade. Billy gets the razor blade and puts it around Brumby's throat. He moves towards the edge of the roof with Brumby

Malcolm and the officers begin to herd prisoners back down from the roof. In the corridor below, they are all bunched up. Kath, Vicki, and Stud are there amongst others

Malcolm - Line up against the wall, women on one side, men on the other side

Janice has joined them. Malcolm hands Janice a  gun

Malcolm - Keep guard, and make sure no one moves. I am going back up onto the roof to get the rest down

Janice nods as Malcolm leaves

Janice - Well this is a cozy little party isn't it....no one move, no one talks ok. Just stand still and be quiet. I'm not afraid to use this thing, ladies and gentlemen. 

Stud stares at the women with hatred on his face. Kath has eye contact with him  and is equally as hostile

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