Episode 798

621 3 0


Exterior shot of Wentworth in daylight

The women are in the dining room as Sue arrives in the doorway
Sue - I have an important announcement to make regarding Cassie McDonald
Bea and Judy look with interest
Judy - Yeah, where the hell is she? We've all been wondering
Sue - I'm afraid I have some bad news for you all.....

A rough-looking Vera arrives in the staff room where Janice is having a coffee
Janice looks shocked to see her
Janice - Vera, I didn't think you'd be in today
Vera - Of course, I'm in today, I have to get to the bottom of who did this to Cassie. I have to find out who the culprit is and make sure they get their comeuppance! 

Back in the dining room
The women look upset but particularly Bea and Judy
Judy - Hell, that poor kid. She's a nice kid, she doesn't deserve this
Bea looks angry
Bea - Who did this to her Mrs Bailey?
Sue - We don't know yet, that's what we need to find out. Inspector Rouse will be coming to investigate later today
Bea - Not Grace this time then?
Sue - No, Grace is tied up on another case right now..you must all try and cooperate and tell him anything you know when he arrives. Ok well I'll leave you to finish your breakfasts now
Sue leaves the room
The women sit subdued
Bea - That poor kid, this is awful
Judy - I suppose there is always the chance she could pull through and make a full recovery, look at your Chloe, Bea, they thought she could end up with brain damage but she was fine
Bea - Well I hope so, I don't like to think of a young girl like Cassie brain-damaged for life
Bea attempts to eat some of her breakfast but ends up pushing the plate away
Bea - lost my appetite now!
Bea lights a cigarette and sits looking mad
Bea - If I find out who did this to her they are dead
Judy - Hey leave it to Rouse eh Bea!
Bea - No way! The police are useless we all know that
Spider is listening from her table
Spider - I thought you'd be smart enough to work out who did it without needing to think about it, Smith
Judy - Oh and I suppose you've worked it out have you?
Spider- Sure I have, it was pretty obvious
Bea looks over at Spider
Bea - Ok, I'll bite....tell me who it was then? Show us how smart you are.
Spider - It was Clements. I mean think about it, Cassie is last seen leaving this room with Clements to go up to solitary. After that, she doesn't return and the next we hear about her is this
Bea and Judy exchange a look
Judy - Hell she's right Bea...
Bea - I know she's bloody right, I can't believe I didn't think it myself
Judy - What are we going to do now?
Bea - Well we can't let her get away with it can we
Judy - She isn't likely to own up to it
Bea - Then we'll have to use our brains and find a way to expose her. I hate to say this, but what has happened to poor Cassie might be what we were looking for to get rid of her once and for all

Vicki is laying in her bed, curled up in a ball as Kelly arrives in the doorway
Kelly - Morning McPherson, not getting up today?
Vicki - I don't feel well
Kelly - Hardly surprising, that was quite a thrashing you took last night wasn't it
Vicki - I thought you were going to kill me
Kelly laughs sadistically
Kelly - Yes, that's what I wanted you to think. Of course, I will kill you eventually, but you won't know when. There will be plenty more thrashings for you until the final one when I end your life
Vicki - Why are you doing this to me?
Kelly - You know why!
Vicki - But I told you it wasn't me
Kelly - And I told you I don't believe that, so now you will suffer
Vicki - If you're going to kill me I'd rather you just did it now and got it over with
Kelly chuckles
Kelly - Yes I bet you would, but that's too easy McPherson. I want you to suffer for a long time first, it will be the mental suffering that will get you more than the physical suffering, waiting, and wondering. Never knowing when the time will arrive. Well I'll catch you later
Kelly leaves
Vicki is crying

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