Episode 716

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Bea and Reb are in reception as Meg comes in

Bea - Hey g'day Mrs Morris!, hows Lizzie? I can't wait to see her, I bet she's been worried about me the silly old coot!

Meg looks horrified

The governor's office

Pat is on the phone while Colleen sits waiting

Pat - I see thanks for telling me   

Pat hangs up

Pat - That was the police again....they've pulled the body out of the water, It's not a woman it's a man, they believe it's Webster's brother

Colleen looks surprised

Kelly is with the man

The man - What happened to you? You look terrible

Kelly  - Thanks, you ain't no oil painting yourself, Will!

Will - C'mon you know what I mean! You've been fighting

Kelly starts to cry

Kelly = Rob's dead Will, that bitch killed him!

Will - What bitch?

Kelly - First she stole my Tanya from me, now my brother! I hate her I HATE HER!

Will - Kel please....what are you talking about? Who killed Rob? Tell me what happened.

Kelly stares into space


The clifftop

Kelly - If you don't jump I will push you...after I've tortured you for a few hours that is. Rob is quite sadistic when he puts his mind to it, he could do some pretty sick things to you while I watch. So it's up to you, jump now or we go back inside and you will feel more pain than you could ever imagine....then you still die anyway. You can't say I'm not fair about it can you, at least I have given you a choice...

Janice looks at the evil expression on Kelly's face and then down at the rocks below the cliff

Kelly - What's it to be Raymond?

Janice - Look Webster, can't we at least talk about this a bit more first?

Kelly - What's to talk about? You killed my Tanya and that's the end of it!

Janice - You kill me and you go down for life

Kelly - Oh but I ain't gonna kill ya am I, you're gonna jump!

Janice - And you honestly think they won't realize that you forced me to do it? Get a grip girl

Kelly - I don't intend to go back inside anyway, now I'm out, I'm out for good

Janice - You're dreaming, most escapes don't last long and you know that

Kelly - I'll have to make sure I'm one of the few who does then won't i. now, are you going to jump, or do we go back inside and have a chat with Rob? I know he's just dying to hurt ya

Rob can be seen watching from the front door of the house

Kelly points over

Kelly - In fact there he is waiting see

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