Episode 783

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Joan is still smirking
Eileen - You need to rest now Joan, we'll be back to see you tomorrow
Ted - Yes, rest up now Sis, see you soon
Joan - Thank you both, I still can't believe this is happening. I thought I was going to die in prison
Eileen - That would have been a most awful waste, Joan
Ted - Yes, no sister of mine is going to rot away in a cell for the rest of her life, father would be heartbroken. He would be angry at me if I didn't do something to help you too
Joan - I have to be honest Ted, I didn't think you cared about me very much
Ted - I can't blame you for thinking that, but I do. I hope in time we can work on our relationship
Joan smiles and nods her head warmly
Joan - When will the new prison open?
Eileen - We hope in two weeks
Joan looks surprised
Joan - Really? that soon? Two weeks is an incredibly quick time to get a brand-new building built-in
Eileen - I am having it fast-tracked, with a large number of builders working different shifts. There will be day and night shifts so that there will be builders working on the site 24 hours a day. I don't believe in wasting time. Once I want something I set about getting it achieved as quickly as possible
Joan - So this time in two weeks' time I will be a governor?
Eileen - Yes indeed
Ted - Feels good does it, Sis?
Joan smiles
Joan - It feels damn great Ted, damn great! I can't wait for the next two weeks to pass......


Sandra and Richard are in the staff room at Wentworth with Meg and Vera
Meg - Welcome back, how was your cruise?
Sandra - Oh it was just lovely thanks, most relaxing
Meg - Oh how lovely
Sandra - It was a shame to come back wasn't it Richard?
Richard smiles and nods his head

Ted pulls up outside a posh house in his car and steps out of his car. He opens the passenger door and Joan steps out
Ted - Home sweet home Joan
Joan looks at the house
Joan - It looks lovely
Ted - You will have your own en suite bathroom in your room
Ted opens the boot to take Joan's luggage out
Joan - I don't want to intrude Ted
Ted - Rubbish, you can see how big the house is. Plenty of room for you and I want you here
Joan - I still can't believe this is happening sometimes, it feels so unreal
Ted - Well believe it because it is happening. I just hope you haven't left the hospital too early. I hope you are fully ready
Joan - I am, trust me. I feel fine and ready for starting work next week. Is the prison still on schedule to be ready one week from now?
Ted - Oh yes, I believe so. Eileen seems confident anyway. Builders working on-site around the clock to get it ready for the deadline

Richard is alone with Vera
Richard - It's Sandra's birthday next week and I am organizing a surprise meal for her in a nice restaurant. I would like to invite you to come
Vera - I'm sorry Richard but I hardly get on with Sandra
Richard - I know but I thought it would be nice. I will invite the others too. Please say you'll come, Vera?
Richard looks at her with a hopeful smile
Vera looks very reluctant
Vera - Oh ok then, I suppose I can come
Richard - Thank you Miss Bennett, it will be a lovely evening I know it will

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