Episode 812

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Lorraine is in hysterics
Lorraine - Let me get my hands on those bitches, I will kill the lot of them
Bob - You need to calm down a bit
Lorraine - My daughter is dead, how do you expect me to calm down?
Bob - Getting in a state over it will hardly help
Lorraine - I can't believe they killed her, she never did anything to them
Bob - We don't know that they did kill her yet do we
Lorraine - So how do you think she got like this then?
Bob - That will be investigated. In the meantime, I will have to lock you in solitary
Lorraine is furious
Lorraine - Solitary! Why for god sake?
Bob -To keep you away from the other women, I think it's for the best. Now come on let's go
Lorraine - So you won't even let me have a few minutes with my daughter?
Bob - I'm sorry, we need to press on. You will want us to investigate this so we can't waste time
Bob leads Lorraine out of the cell and locks the door
Lorraine - All I'd need is two minutes alone with those bitches, I'd soon find out who did it
Bob - Yes I'm sure, but leave it to us eh

The Recroom
Abigail arrives
Abigail - Morning ladies!
They all stare at her
Abigail - Miss Bennett told me about Mr Moran with his leaflets, I hope now you will all realize you do not need to be scared
Sasha- Yes, we were educated on that and we are sorry we were so misinformed
Abigail - Well that's ok, no real harm done. I'm happy to put it behind me
Sasha - Yes, we were happy to do that too. We were happy to give you a fair go in here
Abigail - Excellent
Sasha - That was until we found out why you're in here, what you did to those men. We find that pretty evil
Abigail looks at Katie with a grin
Abigail - So you opened your big mouth then?
Katie - Yup
Abigail - You're full of crap Katie, you have no intention of ever doing anything to me, you told this lot cos you want them to do it for you
Katie - No, I told you that's not the case. I will still deal with you myself, in my own time.
Abigail - Sure and my name's Bette Midler
Sasha - The point is none of us like what you did to those men
Katie - None of us like you full stop
Abigail - I do not care, I hate you all
Sasha - You will care when we come to get you
Abigail - Why do you care so much about it? I really don't get it, it's not like you knew any of these men is it?
Judy - Because it's evil that's why
Abigail - They are just men, nasty worthless men
Judy - You're the one whose worthless Freestone
Abigail giggles
Abigail - Insult me all you like, it's water off a duck's back to me. I am very thick-skinned and not easy to upset
Sasha - Well from now on we won't insult you, in fact, we won't talk to you at all. As of now, you are in Coventry, let's see how long you can cope with being ignored all day every day
Judy - Yeah, then you will have plenty of time to reflect on what you did
Abigail grins
Abigail - You women are so pathetic, you really expect me to be upset about this? I do not even want to speak to any of you anyway. I don't give a shit about being sent to Coventry
Sasha - We'll see if you still feel that way after weeks and weeks of it

Judge - I take into account your plea of guilty and your apparent display of remorse. I also take into account your claim that it was an accident. However a person still died and to make it worse you went to great lengths to move and hide the body, that was pre-planned and you knew what you were doing. That can't be ignored. Lucy Ferguson for the murder of Joan Ferguson I sentence you to life and order that you serve a minimum of 15 years before parole can be considered
Lucy shakes her head in distress
Lucy - No please, I can't handle 15 years inside!
Judge - Take her away, please!
Guard - Come on Ferguson
As she is led away Lucy sees Ted sitting in the public gallery. Ted has eye contact but quickly turns his face away in contempt
Lucy is dragged away

Bob has his staff gathered around
Bob - So Inspector Rouse is on his way
Vera - That scruffy fool? Still, at least it makes a change from Grace
Bob - Yes
Meg - And where is Lorraine?
Bob - She is in solitary, best to keep her away from the others
Janice - I wonder which one of them did it?
Bob - That will be for Rouse to find out
Vera - Will Dawson still be getting a transfer?
Bob - Yes of course
Vera - Good
Meg - Poor woman, I feel bad for her. How is she right now?
Bob - Very upset as you'd expect
Vera - Well I have no sympathy
Meg - Come on Vera, how can you be so harsh? The woman's just lost her daughter
Vera - Yes and look what the pair of them were doing together, its the most disgusting thing I have ever heard
Janice - I agree with Vera, I keep trying to have compassion for Lorraine, but it's hard knowing what went on between them
Bob - Yes, well the women will be even harsher about that so that's why its best to keep Lorraine away from them until she has left here

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