Episode 721

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Exterior shot of Blackmoor in daytime

Inside Joan is laying in her dark cell as Len opens the door and comes in

Len - Good morning Ferguson, did you sleep well?

Joan - Bloody awful, this bed is like sleeping on concrete

Len chuckles

Len - I suppose you could do with some breakfast could you?

Joan - What the hell do you think? I'm starving, I have not eaten since yesterday's lunch

Len turns around

Len - Alright bring it in

A smirking Marie enters the cell carrying a plate of food

Marie - Well well well if it's not my old mate Joanie. Mr Murphy told me you were here, but I found it hard to believe

Len - That's right Ferguson, Winter has rather a distrusting nature, she insisted on seeing it for herself

Marie sits beside Joan

Marie - Mr Murphy insisted I bring you some food, he was worried you'd be pretty starving by now

Len - That's right, gotta look after my girls 

Marie holds the plate out and Joan tries to take it but Marie drops it all over the floor

Marie - Oh dear me, look what I've gone and done

Joan - You stupid clumsy fool!

Len - If you want it so badly why don't you get on your hands and knees and eat it off the floor

Marie chuckles

Marie - Yeah like the dog you are

Joan - Get stuffed! I'd rather go hungry!

Len - Oh but we can't have that

Len drags Joan off the bed and forces her to the floor and pushes her face into the food



Exterior shot of Wentworth

Inside Marty is in the governor's office with Janice, he is not wearing a uniform

Janice - Unless I'm mistaken you are meant to be on duty this morning, so may I ask why you are not in uniform Mr Jackson?

Marty - I'm not in uniform because I don't work here anymore. I've come in to tell you I quit right now. I am going to clean out my locker and leave for good

Janice looks annoyed

Janice -This had better be some kind of joke, Jackson!

Marty - It's no joke, I'm going right now

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now