Episode 700

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The rec room

Officer Radcliffe drops to the ground on fire

Rita and Vicki take their jackets off and use them to put the flames out. Rita kneels beside Officer Radcliffe and examines her. The others watch anxiously

Rita shakes her head sadly

Rita - She's dead

Vicki - Poor bugger, what a rotten way to go.

The room is filling with smoke.

Cheryl - We can't stay here, we need to get out.

Rita and Cheryl cautiously check the corridor, there is a fire raging at one end but the other end seems clear.

Rita - Come on let's go

They all rush down the smoke-filled corridor but find that the security gate is locked

Outside various prisoners and officers are rushing out of the building

Colleen tries to help the injured officer but there is no sign of life

Colleen - I think she's dead

Dwyer - Leave her there's nothing you can do for her now

Dwyer takes his jacket off and covers her up

Spike has been put back in the van and sits glaring at Delia out of the window. Delia glares back

There is a lot of noise and chaos.

The Library

Joyce is lying dead on the floor with multiple stab wounds, Rodney is standing over the body. Kath is standing in the corner looking terrified. The room is filling with smoke

Rodney turns to face Kath

Rodney - Stupid bitch! She should have just kept out of it and she'd have been ok

Kath coughs from the smoke

Kath - Look Rodney, we have to get out and we have to get out now! The prison is on fire you can see that, there's been a bomb or something. If we stay here much longer we've had it...come on let's go now!

Rodney advances on Kath with the knife

Rodney - Oh I'll get out alright.. but you won't!

Kath looks terrified

Kath - C'mon Rodney, you don't really want to kill me do you? You love me remember?

Rodney - I have to kill you, what choice do I have? As soon as you get out of here the first thing you will do is tell everyone what I've done

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now