Episode 762

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Joan is restrained and taken out in handcuffs as Colleen rushes into the room. Joan and Colleen come face to face in the doorway and Colleen gives her a look of pure hatred before carrying on past.
Dwyer arrives too
Geoff is slumped against the window being held up by Grace and Kate as she rushes over
Colleen - Oh god...he needs help. Somebody hurry up and do something
Grace - The Ambulance is on its way
Bruce is kneeling beside Margo on the ground, she is bleeding heavily
Bruce - Gaffney needs help too, she's been shot
Margo (weak) - Don't bother about me, I reckon I'm a goner
Bruce - You probably saved us all Gaffney, Ferguson would have killed the lot of us if you hadn't intervened
Margo chuckles
Margo - Yeah who would have thought it, me dying a hero eh! Real turn up for the books that one
Colleen can see that Geoff is being well looked after by Kate, Dwyer, and Grace so she goes to Margo and takes over from Bruce sitting with her
Colleen - Hey come on Gaffney, what's with all this talk of dying eh? Help will be here in a minute
Margo - A fat lot of good it will do me, I've had it I tell ya...
Margo laughs sadly
Margo - I don't even mind that much, maybe it's time for me to go. I've felt more and more bitter and angry with life as the years have gone by, with nothing left to look forward to...I never used to be the way I became ya know Mrs Powell, I was nicer once when I still had some hope left in me that my life could be more than a complete mess up
Colleen - Hey come on Gaffney, we all have hope for the future
Margo shakes her head defiantly
Margo - Na, not me. My time's up and like I said I don't mind, I'm ready for it
Margo has tears in her eyes
Margo - We could have made it ya know Mrs Powell, Wayne, and me. We could have, but that rotten bastard called life was set against us from the start. We gave it a go but we made a bloody pig's ear of it as usual. Should have known better than to expect any different really. He was a decent man my Wayne but god was he a walking disaster with it!....maybe he's waiting for me up there now eh? If he is I'll give him a bloody good bashing for being such a stupid moron!...then I'll give him a bloody good hug too, tell the stupid bastard how much I've missed him
Margo stops breathing. Colleen delicately covers her over and steps back looking sad

Judy is still standing in shock
Jock - Well lassie?
Anthony - Yes come on, where are your manners?
Judy - No way, I am not having you in my home, you can just leave right now, I don't know what the hell you came here for but you're not welcome
Judy goes to close the door but Anthony stops her
Anthony - Don't be rude Bryant, my uncle came a long way to see you, he has something important he wants to say to you
Judy - Yeah well he can just say it right here on the landing...and then piss off again!
Judy looks at Jock
Judy - Whatever you have to say to me make it quick, I'll give you two minutes
Jock chuckles
Jock - I thought you'd have a bit more time for your old friend Jock. It's been a long time Bryant, we have plenty of catching up to do
Judy - Just say what you have to say and go
Anthony takes Judy by surprise by grabbing her and pushing her into the flat, Jock follows in in his wheelchair

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