Episode 820

616 6 0


Jess - Dear sweet Martha has a dark, horrible secret Jude!
Martha- Jess love, please don't do this
Jess - What's the point in keeping it from her now? She knows somethings wrong and I ain't gonna lie to her
Judy - Will one of you just tell me damn it!
Jess - Martha used to abuse little girls in a care home, I know cos I was there and I was one of her victims
Judy looks at Martha in shock
Judy - Is this true?
Jess - Yes of course it's true, do you think I would make something like this up?
Judy - No honey, of course, I don't think you'd make something like this up. I just need to hear it from Martha, I need to hear her say it
Martha bows her head in shame, she cannot look Judy in the face

Bob has Janice in the office with him
Bob - I thought you'd like to know first before I inform the other staff, as I know how close you are to her, Toni rang here a little while ago. She's just been discharged from the hospital...
Janice looks delighted
Janice - Hey that's great news, I've been so worried about her
Bob - Yes well I'm afraid she had some rather surprising and sad news for us Jan...
Janice looks concerned and intrigued

Martha is sobbing
Martha - It was all so many years ago, I never expected it to catch up with me now. Really this is so very stressful having this come back to haunt me after so many years
Judy - So you admit you did it, and what Jess says is true?
Martha - I suppose so yes
Judy snaps
Judy can barely contain her contempt
Judy -You disgusting bitch! To think I was going to have a future with you and now I find out this, makes my skin crawl
Martha - But there is no reason for this to make a difference in our relationship is there?
Judy - Are you kidding, of course, it makes a difference. I would never have a relationship with a nonce
Martha - But it's all in my past, it was many years ago!
Judy - And I am sure that makes Jess and the other little girls feel a whole lot better, you sick bitch!

Janice looks upset
Janice - She handed in her notice.
Bob - Yes sadly, after what Winter did to her she doesn't feel able to handle it here anymore. She wants to leave the prison service for good and find something less challenging so she said
Janice is furious
Janice - Damn that Winter bitch, she causes nothing but damage. Tone was a damn fine officer
Bob -I agree, but if she wants to leave then there isn't much I can do to get her to stay
Janice - It's such a damn shame. I hope they recapture Winter soon, she doesn't deserve to be free after all the damage she causes
Bob - There is no sign of her yet, wherever she is she is hiding well
Janice - Tone didn't deserve what she did to her and its disgusting that Tone is now leaving for good thanks to her
Bob - But what's to say that even if Winter hadn't beat her up it wouldn't have been something else that scared Tone away eventually? She almost left when Smith was giving her a hard time too. I think if it hadn't been this it would have been something else that drove her away eventually
Janice shrugs
Janice - Well you may have a point there, but I still hate what Winter did to her. Winter is such a savage bitch of a woman

Martha looks sheepish
Martha - What will you do now? Will you tell the others?
Judy - That's really down to Jess and what she wants to do
Martha and Judy both look at Jess
Jess - I don't want to tell anyone, I want to try and put it all in the past, it makes me sick. I'd rather no one else .knew. I was doing well at moving on until I arrived here and saw her again, then it reopened all the scars again. Telling anyone else would prolong the pain for me and I am not interested in revenge
Jess looks angrily at Martha
Jess - Even though she deserves it, I would rather try and get on with my life rather than seek out revenge
Martha breathes a sigh of relief
Martha whispers under her breath
Martha - Thank you...
Jess - But I want her away from me, I can't stand to be around her. Every time I see her I get a knot in my stomach and I get flashbacks to the things she did to me
Judy - I think I may have the solution to this problem
Jess - Yeah, go on?....
Judy - Martha is just the sort they willingly give transfers to Barnhurst to, she fits the profile. I reckon Martha should put in for a transfer
Martha looks upset
Martha - But if I do that we'll be apart Jude
Judy looks at her coldly
Judy - Our relationship is over now, don't you understand that? Now that I know this we have no future. Anyway I am hopefully getting parole soon so won't be here anymore anyway
Martha - You can't seriously mean it when you say we're over
Judy -But I do
Martha - But we have something special...
Judy - Had Martha, had. What we had is gone now. Now, are you going to spare this girl any further pain and put in for the transfer? It would be your way of showing us how grateful you are, grateful that we didn't tell the others about you.....as I am sure you're aware of what they would do to you if they did know?!
Martha grimaces and nods her head
Martha - Yes I will put in for that transfer, it's the best solution all around. I can see that

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