Episode 694

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Joyce is in reception doing paperwork as Pat comes thru wearing her coat ready to go home.

Pat - Well I'm off.

Joyce - You must be very tired after doing a double shift?

Pat - I am, but I wasn't the only one. Mr Adams did a double shift today too.... still would take a double shift over the nightshift any day

Joyce - Oh I know, I do hate the nightshift it's so boring

Pat - Well you're on with Officer Bailey tonight, I just saw her in the staffroom having a coffee, why don't you pop down and join her?

Joyce - Yes I might just do that in a sec once I type up these reports

Pat - Night then

Joyce - Night Pat

Pat goes to sign out

Pat - That's odd

Joyce - What is?

Pat - According to this Rodney hasn't signed out, he was due off half an hour ago...

Joyce - Odd. I better go and look for him

Pat - Want me to come with you?

Joyce - No you get off I'm sure myself and officer Barfield can find him.

Pat - But something might have happened to him.

Joyce - He's probably just lost track of time, it's easily done in this place

Pat - True. Well goodnight

Pat signs out and leaves. Joyce tuts and rolls her eyes before making off to look for Rodney

Meg is at home sitting in front of the TV in her dressing gown, she is watching a late-night talk show. The doorbell goes. Meg looks at the clock

Meg (to herself) - Who could that be at this time of night?

Meg goes to the door

Meg - Who is it?

A voice from outside - The police

Meg looks worried and opens the door. A policeman and woman are at the door.

The policeman - Meg Morris?

Meg - Yes.... what happened?

The policeman - It's nothing to worry about. Do you know an Elizabeth Birdsworth?

Meg (surprised) - Birdsworth? Yes

The policeman - She's in hospital and she named you as her next of kin

Meg - Did she indeed?!

The policewoman - Are you not then? She told us you were her niece

The policeman - We had trouble tracking you down as she gave us your old address

Meg - What has happened to her?

The policewoman - She fell down a flight of stairs at the old people's home she is living in. She is claiming a member of staff pushed her and is refusing to return there. She is even saying she will commit an offence if she has to in order to go back to prison 

Meg (Shocked) - Old people's home? The last time I saw her she was living with her son and his family

The policeman - She didn't say anything about a son. The only person she asked for was you.

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now