Episode 819

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It's morning time as Abigail, Katie, and Lorraine are heading into the showers. Judy, Sasha,  and Martha are already there getting dried off. Jess is at the end shower. Vera and Lee are on duty in the corridor.
Judy - So Sash, how about a little thank you party for Mr Moran later in the Recroom to thank him for being such a bloody great governor? I'll ask one of the screws to get the banners and streamers out
Sasha - That's a sweet idea, Jude, we should thank him for our Christmas and new year treat
Jess - I'd rather he was pissing off out of here so we could have a going away party...or should I say a good riddance party!
Judy - Hey Mr Moran is ok!
Jess - He is no better than the rest of them, no one cares that I am away from me kids!
Judy - You will get parole soon enough honey
Jess - Fifty says you get yours before I get mine!
Lorraine is getting into a Cubicle. Abigail drags her back and jumps in before her.
Lorraine(shrieks) - You Animal! Can't you show me some respect?
Vera looks in
Vera - What's going on here? Can't you lot stop behaving like a pack of animals for five seconds?
Lorraine - Don't look at me! SHE pushed in!
Abigail - It's not my fault if I didn't see her. I mean she's easy to miss, isn't she?
Katie - And you're a rotten bitch Freestone
Abigail pokes her tongue out at Katie
Abigail - You can keep out of it an all Anderton you sad bitch!
Sasha - This feud between the two of you is really too much and we all have to suffer because of it
Vera - Get the hell out of there Freestone you animal!
Abigail - I've started now. Two minutes and she can have it
Vera - Alright you animals, but behave!
Sasha - Not likely, I am planning to start a water fight today!
Vera sneers and heads back outside
Katie -(quietly): I'll do better than that.....stick around gals I've got a show for you!
Judy notices Katie fiddling around with something in her Dressing Gown.
Judy - Hey up...What's that you've got there honey?
Katie - (chuckles): Little surprise for her Ladyship over there (looks at Abigail)
Judy - If you're thinking of putting a Razor Blade in her Soap then you've left it a bit late. She's already started.
Katie - Go and distract the Screws, eh? That's a good girl Bryant
Judy - I'm not risking my upcoming Parole to help you
Katie - Just do it please cos you're a soft touch and we are mates right, do it for me, Jude, please! I'm flaming desperate here!
Judy (sighs) - Oh, Alright
Judy walks over to Vera and Officer Owens
Judy - I must make a phone call to Lori today
Vera (sighs) - You lot never stop do you! Honestly, I am fed up with it now
Katie approaches Abigail
Katie - The nice warm shower is it, Abigail!
Abigail - Lovely cheers, all the hot water will be gone by the time you and Dawson get here
Abigail looks smug
Katie (loudly for everyone's attention)- That's what bugs the bejesus out of me about her. Ask her a civil question and she delights in tormenting you and being a complete bitch
Abigail (sarcastic) - I'm sorry.
Katie - What for? Being a pompous cow, for using all our hot water...or even for infecting my poor husband with AID's!
Abigail - None of those! I am never sorry for a thing!
Judy - Leave her alone, eh Katie? You've made your point.
Katie - Like hell I have! She killed my Stanley!
Abigail - Please, give it a rest before you bore us all to death. Your husband was a useless Turnip anyway, all men are
Katie - I've heard enough now. What do you reckon girls?
A few 'Yeah's are heard from the women.
Katie - I hate you for what you did to my husband and at last I will get my revenge, Freestone!
Katie pulls a Toaster from her Dressing Gown and hurls it into Abigail's Shower.
The toaster drops to the bottom of the shower with a loud thud
Everyone stands there while nothing happens
Abigail steps out of the shower and drapes a towel around herself
Abigail - You wanted to give me a toaster as a present? Why couldn't you wait till later? It's all wet now and probably ruined
Vera looks in
Vera - What the devil's all the noise about?
Abigail - Oh it's Anderton, Miss Bennett. Don't know why but she seems to have brought me a toaster as a gift this morning. Only it got all wet in the shower so it won't work anymore now will it? Doesn't she know how silly it is to ruin a perfectly good toaster?
Abigail shoves Katie aside and leaves the shower room
Katie looks sorry for herself
Katie - I wanted to kill her!
Sasha - I know you did love, but you have to plug it in first otherwise it won't do the job!
Katie - But I couldn't plug it in could I and hide it with the lead coming out of my dressing gown! That would be impossible!
Sasha - Quite, well then it was a silly thing to try wasn't it, totally unrealistic. The toaster offers no threat if it's not plugged onto the mains
Katie - Well I will not let this setback stop me, I will try again and again!

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