Episode 805

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It's dark as Vern and Marina carry the body wrapped in bin bags through the woods
Vern looks deeply concerned and agitated
Vern - Marina, I'm not sure about this. Maybe we should just go to the police
Marina - No way, if we go to the police I go down for murder. Is that what you want? Come on, we've come too far now, you agreed to help me with this
Vern - I know, but it's not too late to go to the police, it would look better if we just went to them and told them now
Marina - You damn idiot, you think I am going to do life for this? No damn way! That bitch deserved to die and I am not going to do life for her
Vern - We could say it was self-defense, say she attacked you
Marina - Forget it you fool!
Vern - When the body gets found, it will make it all ten times worse
Marina - Look, who the hell is going to find it out here in the middle of nowhere? It could be years and years before anyone finds it out here, maybe even never
They arrive by some dense undergrowth and fling the body into it
Marina - Come on help me cover it up properly, it will be safe here, no one will ever find it here.....


Marina and Vern are with Eileen in the Blackmoor office
Marina - So she hasn't turned up for work and no one knows where she is.
Eileen - Surely Ted or Lucy would know?
Vern - No, we asked them. Not a clue. They informed us that Ferguson did not arrive home last night
Eileen - This is so unlike Miss Ferguson, usually she is reliable
Marina - I know, I sure do wonder what got into her to make her behave so irresponsibly
Eileen - It is unacceptable and when she does eventually turn up I do hope she has a good explanation for it
Marina - Well in the meantime I hardly think I need to remind you that until she turns up this place needs an acting governor
Eileen - Oh yes, I was just going to come to that. Of course, you're quite right Marina
Marina smirks
Marina - Far be it for me to tell you my opinions but I do think that the acting governor should be...
Eileen cuts her off
Eileen - No need to go any further Marina, I know exactly what you are going to say and I agree with you
Marina - You do?
Eileen - Of course, there is no one more suitable to step in as acting governor
Marina (delighted) - Then please allow me to say thank you very...
Eileen cuts her off a second time
Eileen - I know you will do a good job of it, Vern, while we wait to hear from old Fergo. Blackmoor will be run the Colorado way!
Marina looks furious
Marina - You are giving acting governor to Vern?
Eileen - Yes of course, who else would I give it to?
Marina - But I thought...
Eileen - Vern is the best candidate by far!
Marina pouts

Bob is behind his desk as Sue Bailey shows Ros in
Sue - Coulson for you
Bob - Thanks Sue
Sue leaves again
Bob - Sit down Ros
Ros takes a seat and sits with her arms folded across her chest
Bob - We need to talk about what you said yesterday, I hardly got a wink of sleep over it
Ros - Nor did I, Bob, I have been waiting all night wondering what your answer will be. Why you couldn't just give it to me last night I don't know. Leaving me hanging like this was rather cruel
Bob - The answer is no, I'm sorry. There is no way I can help you escape
Ros - Oh but Bob, please! Think of our future together. If I stay here there won't be one. Outside we stand a much better chance
Bob - Out of the question I'm sorry!
Ros - If I stay here much longer I think I will go insane
Bob - Then try and behave until your next parole hearing then. that's the best way to get out of here. I am not going to help you escape, no way
Ros - I really thought I could rely on you, you've let me down badly
Bob - I have said all I am prepared to say on the matter. I'll get someone to take you back now
Ros fires a filthy look at Bob
Ros - You bastard!

Vern is sitting behind the Blackmoor desk. Marina is with him looking angry
Marina - That bitch! She should have given me the job!
Vern - Aren't you happy for me?
Marina - Yes of course I am Verny love, it's just I really wanted the job too
Vern - Soon enough, when Ferguson continues to be missing, Eileen will have to appoint me as permanent governor rather than acting
Marina - Yes, cheers for pointing that out Vern! You really know how to rub my nose in it even more!
Vern - Let me finish babe. what I was going to say is that as soon as I become governor for real I will ask for you to be my deputy
Marina cheers up slightly
Marina - Yes, well I suppose that will be better than nothing, thanks Vern
Vern - I think I earnt governor anyway. You were the one who murdered Ferguson, I had no obligation to help you cover it up and you owe me big time for that
Marina - Yes Vern I realize that and of course, I am very grateful for what you did last night
Vern - And so you should be too!
Marina - I can't stress strongly enough how important it is to keep what happened between us Vern
Vern - Do you take me for some kind of idiot? I am well aware of how important it is thank you!
Marina - I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you!
Vern - I could go down with you. Helping conceal a crime is a serious offense, especially murder!
Marina - Yes true, we are in this together
Vern - What on earth we will do if the body is ever discovered I do not know
Marina - Relax, who will find it there? We picked a great spot!
Vern - I guess so, let's hope so anyway
Marina - Well should the body ever get discovered there is no shortage of people to frame for it anyway. Let's face it the old bitch Fergo had hundreds of enemies
Vern - You would seriously frame some poor bugger for it?
Marina- Sure, if it meant we save our own necks then why not!
Vern - You really are incorrigible!
Marina - Mrs Morris would be the best choice to frame
Vern - Speaking of Mrs Morris, I would like to see her later. I have something important to tell her
Marina looks intrigued

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