Episode 747

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Bea flies across the room and grabs hold of Sally
Bea - You're going to regret coming to prison bitch! I'm going to kill you for what you did to my granddaughter
Sally - I did nothing to her, she's still alive, isn't she?
Bea - That doesn't change the fact you tried to kill her!
Sally - Look Bea I'm sorry I swear it! Len ordered me to do it, I was so scared of him! He threatened to kill me if I didn't do it!
Bea - You did it for the money you lousy stinking bitch! Not because you were scared!
Sally turns on the waterworks
Sally - Please, believe me, Bea, I really am sorry. I'm glad the plan failed and that Chloe is safe. Please can't we put it in the past now? I just want to get on and serve my sentence I have no intention to cause problems I promise!
Bea - Crap!
Sally - It's not.....
Joan approaches
Joan -  I'd like a word alone with Sally if you don't mind Bea?
Bea - You're welcome to her
Bea lets Sally go and looks at her with contempt
Bea -We'll talk again later
Bea walks away and Joan grabs Sally by the arm and leads her out to the corridor
Joan - What the hell are you doing here? You were supposed to stay in Perth not come back to Melbourne
Sally smirks
Sally - You should know me by now, I'm my own person don't take orders from anyone!
Joan - Oh I know you alright. I know that that crap you fed Smith just now was a pack of lies. You're not at all sorry for your actions. I didn't believe it and neither did Smith. If she doesn't get you I will
Sally - Oh I think not Joan
Joan - You just try and stop me
Sally - You'll protect me from Smith, that's what you'll do
Joan - I won't, you've got Buckley's chance!
Sally - Well either you protect me of those friends of yours, the Taylors is it? Bob and Marnie? They both cop a bullet
Joan - How the hell do you know about the Taylors?
Sally - I did some digging, see how smart I am
Joan - Well you can do what you like to them, they aren't friends of mine
Sally - Aren't they? I know you care about them, Joan. And what about their sweet innocent little daughter Tracy? I know how much you care about kids, would you like to see her get hurt or killed
Joan has a face like thunder
Joan - You piece of filth!
Sally - I'm just protecting myself that's all. Got to do so in a place like this. So do we have a deal?
Joan (resentful) - We have a deal. You just make sure the Taylors stay unharmed, especially little Tracy
Sally - I will Joan...you just make sure that Smith keeps her hands off me

Kate stands calmly
Kate - Agenda? What agenda?
Cheryl - I don't know what agenda, that's what I am asking you about. I know you have one. Are you planning to challenge me for top dog?
Kate - I really have no idea what you're on about
Cheryl - Stop playing games with me, Peterson!
Kate - I merely wish to show you that I don't like being given orders.
Cheryl - Well I'm top dog and that means I give the orders and you obey. I'm sorry if you don't like it but it's just the way it is
Kate - Fine, you've made your point
Cheryl -So can I have your word that you'll toe the line from now on?
Kate - Yes ok, seeing as you asked so nicely
Cheryl looks at her dubiously
Cheryl - I'm prepared to forget the fact you slapped me so long as you keep your word. Think yourself lucky I'm doing that, no one hits me and gets away with it normally
Kate - Of course, and thank you. That is a very kind gesture
Cheryl - Yes well now we've had this chat I hope we can get on a little better now
Kate smiles sweetly
Kate - Yes, so do i. That would be rather nice wouldn't it

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now